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Everything posted by Drumbuie

  1. He destroyed his credibility years ago by a) appearing on reality TV and b) doing so in a pink catsuit. ( My eyes! My eyes! )
  2. As an elderly woman, I can assure you they absolutely wouldn't, though they might laugh. However, flashers are *not* a joke. Today's flasher is often tomorrow's rapist or even murderer. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/195-flashers-went-rape-pervs-25452058
  3. I'm relatively new around here but the thought strikes me that Immigration's digitisation process, now pretty advanced at CW, must be freeing up staff time....so now they can turn their attention to other things. Like making sure people really are financially sound and not just using a dodgy visa agent?
  4. ...and those who have no understanding of probabilities. Once, long ago, I ran a flower stall in Covent Garden ( Eliza Doolittle in reverse) next to a betting shop. It didn't take long to realise that the only person who left with a cheery smile on his face every single day was the owner. The house always wins. Gambling is a mug's game.
  5. Engage your brain and read it again. The *caption* not the photo.
  6. I'm guessing you have first hand experience .....but not recent. These days in the UK, prisons are overcrowded, staff numbers are low and prisoners may be locked in 24 hrs a day. https://news.sky.com/story/emergency-measure-triggered-to-deal-with-prison-overcrowding-in-england-13136155
  7. In a year, the duty free shops allegedly sold goods worth 3 billion baht. The duty on those goods would have been less than 3 billion even if they were all luxury items with 30% duty plus 7% VAT. Are there no actual journalists left?
  8. Golly, when's the last time you travelled with a woman? In my family that would only count as a medium-sized suitcase.
  9. How much better for voters to be influenced by the relentless stream of propaganda and disinformation emanating from opaque Tufton Street thinktanks funded by anonymous donors...
  10. The word "Shinawatra" is superfluous in that sentence these days, alas. Just look at the antics of the SelfServatives in the UK.
  11. I've sent a few birthday cards to the UK, normal post, it's taken them between a week and a fortnight to arrive and cost less than first class post in the UK.....which can also take between a week and a fortnight.
  12. On the prohibited list is " haircutting, hairdressing or beauty treatments" - which must presumably include barbering. The French for beard is barbe - hence " barber" - so maybe there isn't a Thai word for it.
  13. Er, it must be a while since you saw the inside of a British prison. 14 years of Tory cuts have left their mark there as well. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-68283664
  14. I blame The Simpsons. Once everyone had seen Homer Simpson as President, it was only a matter of time before Trump or, in the UK, Johnson, just for the giggles.
  15. This is about extending the percentage of condo units in a block that are permitted to be owned by farangs.
  16. If this operation began in 2018, those two charmers were 23 and 20, and their two accomplices still in their teens. I can't help thinking they're taking the fall ( in a UK not Thai jail, guys, it helps to read *all* the words) for someone older with a lot of capital behind them.
  17. I suppose the idea that a man and a woman might actually like each other as *people* rather than bodies and/or sources of finance is completely alien to you?
  18. They must be Schrödinger's goats.
  19. 65 yr old woman is unlikely to have a "40 to 50 yr old " grandson, surely?
  20. Indeed, Thai language has many Sanskrit roots and the alphabet is derived from the South Indian Pallava alphabet. Unfortunately European history is taught as though nothing happening outside Europe matters and until Europeans arrived the rest of the world was living in mud huts. In reality, the Chinese were millennia ahead. Trading along the Silk Road brought many of their improvements to the West - their extensive hydrological knowledge, for example ( 4,000 years ago, they managed to tame the Yellow and Yangtze rivers to prevent disastrous flooding) and their inventions of paper and gunpowder.
  21. In my youth, this happened because Barclays were funding apartheid in South Africa . Now it's genocide in Palestine.
  22. Brexit was NOT the " democratic will of the people". It was a rushed, miscalculated attempt by David Cameron to outflank his extremist right wingers. It was not voted for by a majority of the electorate. There was no White Paper explaining what people were voting for. It was a shambles. I agree that this is not the Britain my parents fought for. They fought for democracy and the rule of law ( my father's words). They fought for freedom from fear of the knock on the door in the small hours ( my mother's words). Instead we have creeping fascism, curuption, cronyism, politicians blatantly lying and getting away with it, attempts to undermine the judiciary, one law for the rich and a country that is happily complicit in war crimes as long as one of the ruling party's donors is making money out of it. Thankful my parents did not live long enough to see this.
  23. Absorption of orally ingested substances begins in the mouth, particularly the underside of the tongue.
  24. Methinks your girlfriend needs to change him for someone with a heart.
  25. Meanwhile, leaving Joseph Goebbels to spew his hatemongering in the Telegraph, we return to the real world of 2024 where, without foreign workers, the UK can't function: https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/02/uk-care-agencies-accused-of-exploiting-foreign-workers-caught-in-debt-traps
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