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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Who wants to stay in Britain?
  2. good info, will avoid private hospitals in CR
  3. You missed UK on your list - prime example - London centre of world money-laundering.
  4. Maybe the poster is an AI. Although, there are some doubts about the "I" part of AI.
  5. MarkBR


    Depends on the cheese, mature cheese (due to the relevant microbial consortia destroying bad bacteria - hence mature cheeses good reputation for being a food product over thousands of years) are quite resistant to being contaminated by bad bacteria due to excessive quanities of Lactobacilli - in most fermented foods. However, short life cheese can be contaminated by bad bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes which kills, also by Mycobacterium bovis (a source of tuberculosis). Public health measures are to protect. Older people, such as many of the Asean Now members, would be quite vulnerable to bad food poisoning from contaminated food.
  6. Agree, any of my ex-students who have travelled to Thailand have travelled as independent travellers, none have come in organised groups.
  7. Will never happen. Need to fix corruption then there will be enough money to tackle this problem. Without fixing corruption, chances of success in any form of poverty alleviation are minimal. Elimination is fantasy.
  8. Agreed, but I assume this is concerning excessive violence just short of children being needing to go to hospital. Thais seem to have a reaction to problem with excessive reactions. Thais are not necessarily happy smiley people.
  9. Those who hit children are not competent as parents.
  10. Quite clear & fresh in Li, Lamphun currently. Although, someone will begin burning excess longan cuttings around here which have been cut in the longan orchards, then smoke will appear.
  11. Will need at a least a year, before doubts appear for those not driven by partisanship. Then can be added to the list of competent or incompetent PMs.
  12. Over 50 at least, check all the useless PMs.
  13. Should have an emoticon for bitter laughter
  14. Need to check with friend who works in cybersecurity, suspect he might laugh.
  15. MarkBR


    I would assume preventative public health main reason for this situation. You have FDA approval for a large food item then open up to repackage into a larger number of smaller food items, plenty of opportunity for unwelcome organisms to get in (Clostridium botulinum, Escherichia coli 0157, and numerous others cause problems including death). Inspections are sensible to see if premises adhere to basic public health practices.
  16. The increase in severe flood events is entirely predictable. Many governments, and this includes European governments, have done very little to alleviate until after the events have happened, a few have. Ostrich syndrome.
  17. At minimum she should be blacklisted from ever flying into Thailand again.
  18. Given the gravity of the threat airline should have put her in gaol (suitable length of time to really scare her), fine a lot of money, then deport.
  19. If you want electronic hurdy-gurdy music then Guilhem Desq is your musician. Brilliant music , he even did a Panthera cover which was excellent.
  20. Chinese person was rude. You meet them in all countries. She had bad luck.
  21. Then a majority of potentially ethical politicians in power. That would mean Thailand could move to the future - a dramatic change.
  22. Switch to Laphroaig
  23. But must be aware of the limitations.
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