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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. As if Thai prisons weren't already massively overcrowded. And 80% of Thailand's prisoners are incarcerated for drug-related offences. https://www.tijbangkokrules.org/uploads/publications/th-belqtuvxz459.pdf
  2. I recommend sepukku.
  3. Foxx

    Bad People

    I believe it's actually spelt สารเลว and means "despicable" (adjective). You need to stick คน /khon/ in front to mean despicable person - คนสารเลว.
  4. So, was this the work of Muslims, or of misguided British people?
  5. It's odd that they are punishing sodomy when the promised heavenly reward of 72 virgins also includes boys to bugger.
  6. They don't. They write about a draft bill getting cabinet approval in 2018. There hasn't (so far) been a final, enacted version. I was correct when I wrote "trusts set up by individuals are not recognised." And that's a fact, not an opinion.
  7. Trusts are already legal, but only for transactions in capital markets, as per Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 (2007). Trusts set up by individuals are not recognised.
  8. "Tragic plane crash"? When are plan crashes not tragic? Incidentally, you cite The Independent. Its headline "Famed Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders, 90, dies in horror crash when his plane nose-dives into waters". The Independent makes a lot more sense. Why did you mess with it pointlessly?
  9. Apparently "Palestinian Imams: Palestinians 'Will Not Accept A Single Homosexual On The Land Of Palestine'; 'Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building'" https://www.memri.org/reports/queersforpalestine-–-palestinian-imams-palestinians-will-not-accept-single-homosexual-land Also apparently "Your cows, your sheep, and even your donkeys, have never stooped to the level of perversion that America designs for you." Good to know.
  10. Business and Frankfurters.
  11. The Germans have a word for how I feel about this: Schadenfreude.
  12. Don't forget that Redfield was appointed by Trump as a useful idiot. Cuomo is a former FOX News presenter. Enough said.
  13. I wrote "Plenty of other countries tax the worldwide income for their resident nationals, including the UK." Note the word "resident". So (as usual) I'm not wrong. Your workers in the Middle East are spending sufficient time outside the UK to be classed as non-resident, and so their non-UK income is not taxed in the UK.
  14. Well, apart from the 7% they pay on every purchase they make.
  15. That is incorrect. The USA and Eritrea tax worldwide income based upon nationality - not upon residence. Plenty of other countries tax the worldwide income for their resident nationals, including the UK.
  16. I suspect it's related to this: https://www.nationthailand.com/business/economy/40038550
  17. That's a misreading of the (admittedly poorly written) article. That amount refers to corporations - two paragraphs about corporations in the middle of an article about personal income tax.
  18. And what about non-French Champagne?
  19. I wouldn't bother. It was lovely 30 years ago. Now it's massively overdeveloped. Didn't enjoy my last visit at all.
  20. How is this article different from the ones on this site on April 3: and April 29?
  21. So, discriminating against same sex couples yet again.
  22. Oh, tosh. There are web pages that teach you how to read various fonts, for example: https://thai-notes.com/notes/readingmodernfonts1.html (That's the first of four pages on the subject.) There are also alphabet flashcards that include modern fonts, for example: https://thai-notes.com/games/alphabetcards.html The Thai Reader at the same site allows you to select a modern font. https://thai-notes.com/reading/thaireader.html And that's only some of the resources from one site. Other sites have similar features.
  23. I'm guessing you've never gone down the Zone 2 route. There's a lane on the left, so you don't join the queue for Immigration Control. You go straight to the office for reentry permits. You get your reentry permit, and when you've done so you rejoin the queue for Immigration Control near the front (at most a dozen people in front of you) - this is what you're told to do by the Immigration officials. I've done it dozens of times. And nobody has even commented on my apparently cutting in line.
  24. When you rejoin the plebeian queue after getting your reentry permit you can cut in line. Last time I did that I had to duck under multiple tape barriers. (It used to be more straightforward.) Does anyone happen to know how you unclip the tape to make life a little easier?
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