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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Trump is neither effeminate or flamboyant when under pressure. He's always a real man's man, not a nancyboy, pansy or sissy.
  2. Just like Obama was born in Kenya - another Republican lie. She was born in Oakland, California which, last time I checked, was still part of the United States.
  3. IDF's operations have uncovered a lot of internal Hamas information, including:
  4. Not sure whether that's true or not, but Trump has been and will continue to be soiling himself in his Depends.
  5. Thailand has 30 registered banks. One million in each guaranteed, so that's only 30,000,000 baht - approximately US$ 825,000 - not even a million bucks. Certainly wouldn't guarantee all my money.
  6. Not quite: Belgium's deposit guarantee scheme (SGD) protects deposits in Belgian banks up to €100,000 per person and per bank. The scheme is called the "Guarantee Fund for deposits and financial instruments" and is activated when a bank can't meet its obligations, such as in the event of bankruptcy or fraud.
  7. Much more straightforward. However, isn't "each evening 6pm - 10pm Thurs -Weds" really "6pm-10pm every day"?
  8. Can anyone make sense of Blue's opening hours from that?
  9. Thai law doesn't allow for any sort of personal trust. However, I want to leave a sum of money in my will for the benefit of a person of limited mental capacity. If I were doing this through my UK will I would create a trust with that will. If I included similar trust wording in a Thai will, would it be recognised/valid? Anyone know? And if not possible, what alternatives are open to me? Thanks
  10. They won't. It's only for Thai nationals. It's rather ridiculous if, as Pheu Thai claims, the handout is to boost the economy. 10,000 baht spent by a Khmer peasant or unregistered hill tribe person would stimulate the economy every bit as much as the same money spent by a Thai person. For that matter, so would 10,000 baht spent by an expat. I'm beginning to suspect that the real purpose wasn't to boost the economy. But surely politicians wouldn't lie about such a thing.
  11. https://thai-notes.com/ would probably be a good place to start. There's the reading course over 40 levels with lots of opportunity to practise what you learn in each level. https://thai-notes.com/reading/index.html Practising reading sentences there's a reader which can be in either a traditional Thai font or a modern one: https://thai-notes.com/reading/thaireader.html There are also four articles about modern fonts which are worth a read: Anatomy of a Thai character Telling characters apart Thai Character Relationships Additional Notes https://thai-notes.com/notes/index.html
  12. Great if you like to see gory operations on animals and if you like being reduced to tears.
  13. I didn't know that (thought technically it was called "Amerika*" with a "k" - probably should have been with three k's in keeping with ideology). Here are some details about Hitler's Führersonderzug. https://www.hitler-archive.com/articles.php?a=7 * Amerika was also Franz Kafka's first (and incomplete) novel. A pretty good read IMHO.
  14. The shooter missed. We didn't get to see his guts - only a bloodied ear.
  15. If America insists on letting every Tom, Dick and Harry have a gun, the authorities should at least insist on the gun owners being trained to shoot straight.
  16. The site appears to be the work of the notorious youtuber "Dr." John Campbell. (The "Dr" is in quotes because he doesn't have the medical qualification - he's got a Ph.D. in education from the highly esteemed University of Bolton.) To quote from Wikipedia: "He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines." In other words, a total nutjob. There's more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)
  17. Utter male cow ordure. The form where you sign lets anybody say they are a medical doctor. This is mostly 1,171 people masquerading as doctors because they think it makes them sound important.
  18. Yup. Just like turkeys voting for Christmas.
  19. Are you sure you didn't mean "Allahu Akbar!"?
  20. Good grief! Aren't Buddhists supposed to be compassionate, caring about all living things? Why does Srettha want to encourage unspeakable cruelty against sentient animals? For that matter, why does he support a religion whose diktats include killing all Buddhists (along with followers of almost all religions)?
  21. You really shouldn't question others if you don't have a clue what you're pontificating about. https://www.google.com/search?q=uk+marriage+invalidates+will&oq=uk+marriage+invalidates+will&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRifBTIHCAMQIRifBdIBCDQ0MTlqMGozqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#:~:text=Marriage automatically revokes a will that has been made previously%2C leaving it invalid. https://www.buckles-law.co.uk/blog/will-disputes/does-a-new-marriage-render-a-will-invalid/#:~:text=Any legally binding Will you previously drafted in England and Wales is immediately nullified when you are married https://www.netlawman.co.uk/ia/will-effect-marriage-divorce#:~:text=When you marry%2C any existing will is automatically revoked (cancelled) and becomes no longer valid.
  22. If the marriage is recognised under Australian law, the rules about will revocation due to marriage would apply.
  23. In some countries any existing will is automatically cancelled when one gets married. That's certainly the case in the UK. Is it the same in Thailand? And if so, does one then need to wait until after the wedding day before signing a new will? Thanks.
  24. Yet in the face of such statistics as: "Muslims face some of the lowest employment rates and lowest earnings of any group in Britain" "Muslim women have particularly low rates of economic activity and there is a high incidence of household poverty, which reaches 50% for Muslim households compared with a national average of around 18%" "in the case of poverty, statistical analysis shows that the proportion of households in poverty was 16 points higher among Muslims compared with Anglicans of the same age, generational status, educational level, marital status and region of residence in Britain" "levels of economic activity for women aged 19-60 (excluding full-time students) were 31% for Pakistani women and 21% for Bangladeshi women ... and 77% for White women" it's clearly not "wildly generalized (sic) pejorative assumptions." All quotes from the UK Parliament website https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/65005/html/
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