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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. If you actually click the source button, you will see this. Please share your sources of information. @Social Media Israel’s ‘falafel king’ donates 25,000 meals to IDF in Gaza In the months since October 7, Shimon Biton has filled tens of thousands of orders for soldiers across the country
  2. This organization has been caught lying by Israeli media, and this is where virtually all of the evidence of rape has come from: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/death-and-donations-did-the-volunteer-group-handling-the-october-7-dead-exploit-its-role/0000018d-5a73-d997-adff-df7bdb670000
  3. There were fake testimonies from Zaka workers, who have been caught by Israeli independent media 'using the dead as props' to try and gain funding for their bankrupt organization. Broken bones are not evidence. Bloody clothes are not evidence. These are normal everyday injuries in a war zone. No, there are not any autopsy reports and no semen samples taken etc. There are forensic pathology reports - is this what you are referring to? No testimonies from any victims. No testimonies from any hostages. Rape denier? I am a realist. Show me a single piece of evidence. Show me a single victim. Israel literally controls the narrative. They will not let any journalists into Gaza. When they do allow journalists in, it's always to try and pump out some of their lies and propaganda - like the UNRWA HQ & tunnel found under part of its courtyard. They have no physical proof of any electricity being supplied to the tunnels from UNRWA, despite the IDF being at this site for over 2 weeks. UNRWA vacated this building on Oct 12, it has been empty since the start of the conflict. It should be more shocking that the UNRWA HQ was blown up by the IDF. That should be the main take away from this. A war crime.
  4. This is the only Ham-mas I support Understanding that these people hate their oppressors does not equate to support. Analyzing comments made about them (rapists) and pointing out that there is a lack of evidence to prove this, is not support. Accurately translating their name as 'resistance' fighters - just like the French resistance - and calling them freedom fighters is an accurate depiction of their struggle against their oppressors. This is not support. Acknowledging all of the injustices the Palestinians face, and understanding why they need these groups is not support. They have committed atrocities. Israel has committed atrocities. We shouldn't get stuck in the long blame game of who is worst... because quite frankly, it isn't even a fair fight. Israel would lose just based on total death count alone. The world needs to step in. Israel cannot be left to deal with this, as it is one of the aggrieved parties, whilst also being one of the aggressor parties. As is Hamas. The international community needs to put things right, because it is the international community that caused all of this in the first place. This was not started by Jews, Zionists, Israelis, Palestinians, or Arabs. This was a problem started by European countries, so European countries should now step up and fix what they started.
  5. Zaka's founder was arrested for being a serial rapist. This is an extremist right wing organization, to compare, a Millwall football team supporters group would be a good analogy. Still want to listen to their proven lies? https://www.timesofisrael.com/before-suicide-attempt-zaka-founder-said-to-have-faced-arrest-within-days/
  6. Yes. Amnesty international could not find a single case of Hamas using human shields https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/07/israelgaza-conflict-questions-and-answers/
  7. ONE sentence from a non Zaka source, with the other half of the sentence following on from the Zaka guys and you think I am incorrect? PHHH. Get stuffed. The whole article is from a Zaka source. Literally. The police officer is quoting testimonies from other anonymous Zaka people. Think about it - how did someone witness repeated gang rape within such a short space of time, and did not get caught themselves? Why haven't ANY victims come forward? The modern world we live in has set standards for evidence. This does not amount to any credible evidence. You need a survivor. You need semen samples. You need CCTV. Barring CCTV, you need a witness to corroborate your claims. You need something, not a bunch of broken bones which is what happens in a war zone. It is notable that the Israeli government has already started to wind down the systemic rape claims. Since the investigation uncovering Zaka, did you not notice a lack of Israeli spokespeople on the news lately. Watching Eylon Levy on LBC yesterday was a first for a long time. This is how Israel controls the media - put out a big story to make everyone angry and inflamed while we go over here and commit some war crimes while no one is watching. Why won't Israel allow journalists into Gaza? Why can we only see one side of the story? Putin lets journalists into Ukraine - Netanyahu won't allow journalists into Gaza.
  8. I did. Did you? The first sentences say its from Zaka!
  9. And these quotes rely on Zaka. The organization that was caught lying and spreading propaganda by Israeli media - Haaretz. Using the dead as props to gain funding - an Israeli investigative report.
  10. LOL! I am laughing so much it hurts. LOL. This is unbelievable. Put your thinking cap Your link is not the same as mine. It talks about the original decision from the lower court: magistrates court. This ordered an autopsy. My link is from the High Court. This court reversed that decision from the lower court and barred the state from conducting an autopsy. From your link: "against a ruling by the Jerusalem Magistrates Court that an autopsy must be performed on the four-year-old toddler." From my link: The High Court of Justice on Monday sided with the family of a Jerusalem toddler who was allegedly choked to death by his uncle, barring the state from conducting an autopsy against the family’s wishes. Justices reverse ruling by lower court to conduct an autopsy on boy allegedly choked to death by his uncle
  11. No, I read through both. Just comments about broken pelvises and how the bodies were found. The article clearly mentions that most of the work is involved in identifying the bodies, as Jewish tradition dictates the dead must be buried within 3 days. They did mention autopsies, but seeing as Israels supreme court refused to allow the autopsy of an Israeli murdered child - I highly doubt they are allowing mass autopsies of the victims in the October 7th attack. See source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-08-15/ty-article/.premium/israels-top-court-overturns-decision-to-perform-autopsy-of-murdered-child/00000182-a2a5-d256-abbe-b7fd23120000 Broken pelvises happen when you get run over, blunt force trauma, fall off a motorbike, beaten by a heavy object, hit by a tank shell, or by gang rape. There are so many reasons for someone having a broken pelvis. They haven't determined with proof however, that it was rape. Seeing people in their underwear, half naked and with blood on their clothes/underwear. The attacks took place at 6:30am. Imagine what you are doing at that time. Are you not likely to be in a similar state, and therefore when you are shot and killed, or beaten to death, you will have blood on your clothes/underwear? They still haven't had a single person claim to have been raped in Israel. Lots of claims about all of the dead, but no claims from any living survivors who were trapped with them for months. No claims of rape by any of the hostages that were released.
  12. You're confusing autopsies with identification of the bodies. The blue box on the picture tells you what is happening: Identifying the victims of Hamas Oct 7 massacre. Here is a report from the BBC on the evidence, from Israelis that came to the UK 11 days ago to talk about this very subject. Note, there is no actual evidence, just reports about how they found people. Bear in mind the attacks took place at 6:30am when most people are in their underwear, in bed and half naked. Put your thinking caps on! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68162920
  13. You do realize that autopsies did not happen, and that it is prohibited in Judaism? Seriously, how do you not know this?
  14. Several other forum members have said this too.
  15. No, you stated an opinion that Gaza (prior to Oct 7) was not occupied. International law disagrees. Fact.
  16. Rape denier? Show me the evidence of rape. Just one person who claimed to have been raped would be sufficient. Oh, there are none.
  17. Google it yourself. I shouldn't be the one to do your homework. https://itisapartheid.org/Documents_pdf_etc/IsraelViolationsInternationalLaw.pdf
  18. You are ignoring the facts. The international community, and under the law and resolutions passed by the UN: Israel is the occupying power in Gaza. Get your facts straight.
  19. They're still waiting for Israel to stop breaking international law, and for Israel to release their hostages. Israel have been breaking international law and taking hostages before Hamas was even 'born'. So lets make sure they do so first eh?
  20. The moronic post I was responding to conveniently left out my post. It is very clear what I was referring to, as the poster knows: Total land area 365 KM2 (kilometers squared / square kilometers) Your last point is very valid. I would say it is impossible for it to be true based on what you have posted. Furthermore, the IDF has been in this place for over two weeks, and couldn't show any proof at all that the cables in the tunnel were connected to UNRWA - just more unproven bile coming from Israel.
  21. So you ignore international law, and just believe what you think to be true. That is not how the world works. You are part of the problem. Obey the law, and you will see results.
  22. Yes, it took a long time for them to come to terms with it. 1947/48 was dreadful - Israeli soldiers raping, murdering, poisoning and destroying their lives and villages. 1967 onward - occupation of all Palestinian lands, gradually building more and more settlements, arrests, murdering, stealing land... they are not going to forget that any time soon, so it is amazing that they have all agreed to finally come around and bring an end to this madness. Only Israel is refusing to do so. All members of the Arab league are on board. If Israel abides by international law and retreats to 1948 border plan.
  23. Chopped because I forgot to respond to this ridiculous part. 0 evidence of any rape at all. Zilch, nada, nothing. In fact, hostages that have been returned to Israel have spoken about how well they were treated.
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