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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. The other chaps. In fairness, I don't think you did... and I don't think I accused you of this (sorry if I did).
  2. Yes, it kind of says something though that there are so few events to call up on. Sure, they were large catastrophic cases of terrorism - but to say it is only Muslims is just a silly lie. The amount of Jews, Arabs and Christians of different flavors that other Christians have murdered over the centuries is unbelievable. The same could be said if you switched any of the three religions. Bosnia was a very recent example, the Holocaust, Apartheid in South Africa was also a religious affair and of course, the Nakba and 75 years of Jewish oppression and land theft. They are all as bad as each other.
  3. I don't think any Abrahamic religions are totally peaceful. Look at Jews, Muslims, Christians. All of them advocate for violence, and terrible things have been done in each of their names over the centuries and millennia. Interestingly, all 3 religions have Abraham as their common forefather.
  4. I know...lol that was almost 20 years ago man... not recent!
  5. Am I missing something? Was there a recent story about Muslims killing infidels willy nilly in the UK?
  6. You should read this, it explains the passage quite well. Infidels are only allowed to be killed in a holy war against Muslims. https://www.ask-a-muslim.com/en/does-quran-say-kill-non-believers/
  7. So does the Christian god. https://thefrequentlyaskedchristians.com/how-could-god-condone-genocide-or-extermination/ Christian god not only encourages genocide, but death to non believers too.
  8. This is disgusting. 'Real' Brits. What are you talking about? Pasty, white, bland, potato munching racists and fascists like Jacob Rees Mogg? Are these the 'real' Brits you are talking about? What about Sadiq Khan, or any of the other thousands of British Muslims serving in our politics, military, security services, NHS etc? Are they real Brits? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Muslims
  9. I don't get why Muslims are being picked on here. There is a much bigger story, one third of all British adults believe Israel treats Palestinians the same way Nazis treated the Jews in WW2: https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/almost-one-third-of-british-adults-believe-israel-treats-palestinians-like-nazis-treated-jews-according-to-new-poll-tqljlt8e
  10. No, you did not show 'evidence' being brought to congress about the UNRWA workers being involved in the attacks. That was dishonest. You showed a Jewish guy from a biased Jewish owned organization making a speech about why UNRWA shouldn't be funded anymore. He brought loads of old tat into his 'presentation' such as the debunked report about school text books - over 90% of which were not actually being used in any of the schools mentioned. No, I didn't make any comments about your education, I was referring to the general population. Most people won't accept kids marking their own exam papers, or their friends marking it for them. This is just common sense.
  11. I 100% agree that if you don't have 40k thb per month, you shouldn't be here at all. It is the complexity of applying this way, and the fact that you need 12 months' worth of deposits in a Thai bank that you couldn't possibly open unless you have a long term visa already! It is actually insane when you think about it.
  12. Again, your only showing one lying organization that has skin in the game: It is a Jewish organization that wants to dismantle UNRWA! You need to find 3rd party evidence my friend. No one with an education believes this tripe. Just find one solid piece of actual evidence.... oh wait, you can't!
  13. Here's the truth. Read it and weep. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Watch
  14. Look at you, holding up that mirror and looking deeply into it! Here are more examples of NO evidence for any of Israel's UNRWA claims. Read all 11 sources if you like, they all say the same thing. No evidence at all. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/unrwa-funding-pause-employees-october-7-hamas-attack-claims-no-evidence-un https://www.reuters.com/world/no-evidence-israel-back-unrwa-accusations-says-eu-humanitarian-chief-2024-03-14/ https://www.unrwa.org/unrwa-claims-versus-facts-february-2024?__cf_chl_tk=5S.mwsrjl_GFmaB77zJL1h30pWirR7vNQcN5XW7FVLc-1712574835- https://responsiblestatecraft.org/unwra-hamas-israel/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/eu-humanitarian-chief-claims-no-evidence-from-israel-to-back-unrwa-accusations/ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240212-absence-of-evidence-israels-case-against-unrwa/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/09/head-of-unwra-says-he-followed-reverse-due-process-in-sacking-accused-gaza-staff https://truthout.org/articles/report-finds-no-evidence-in-key-dossier-to-support-israels-unrwa-allegations/ https://www.newarab.com/news/no-evidence-israeli-unrwa-claims-six-page-dossier https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/15/israel-unrwa-oct-7-un-investigation-hamas/ https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/2024/02/22/us-says-it-cannot-independently-verify-israels-unrwa-claims/
  15. It's the way you say it, and you do say it a lot! It is really annoying, because although you spend a lot of time helping people, you always write as if you look down on those of us who can't put 400k in the bank. Your advice is always solid, but please remember that we are not all in the same situation, we are not all the same age, and we all have our own families/expenses/income etc. to worry about. There are lots of folks out there who make a damn good living, but have just as many outgoing expenses too. I am one of those lucky people who makes a lot, but my outgoings are just as big - mortgage, car, student loans, debts etc. To the OP: monthly income is the only way for those of us who have enough money, but can't park 400k for a couple of months. Unfortunately, they make it next to impossible to apply for. For starters, you need a Thai bank account in your name only - which is not possible to open until you get a long term visa these days. You then need 12 months worth of deposits - which you won't have after one 90 day entry! You also need bank letters, statements and whatever else the IO thinks you might not have...
  16. My claim has been proven multiple times: 4 different links!
  17. You know this isn't true, you were caught out with this lie previously.https://unwatch.org/about-us/our-work/ It is based in Geneva - that is the location. Not country of origin. It was set up by Israelis, and the head of the organization is Alfred Moses - an Israeli Jew
  18. I've provided so many links proving my claims. You can't even find one verified claim!
  19. Also, this is the MOST biased source you could ever come across. It is literally an Israeli organization that is paid to discredit the UN, with its aim being to dismantle UNRWA. Classy.
  20. I already sent you the link. No one has seen ANY evidence. Only allegations (Israeli for LIE). https://www.reuters.com/world/no-evidence-israel-back-unrwa-accusations-says-eu-humanitarian-chief-2024-03-14/ https://www.unrwa.org/unrwa-claims-versus-facts-february-2024 https://responsiblestatecraft.org/us-intel-unrwa-israel/
  21. Really? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/us-intelligence-unrwa-hamas
  22. Who, pray tell, are you listening to? The report also notes that there were no Israeli survivors of rape who described the sexual abuse that THEY suffered.
  23. Is that why Jews in 1947 had bought around 7% of the land from Arabs? Is that why it was called Palestine ever since the Romans took over in the 7th century? Kind of strange right.... The country was literally called British mandate for Palestine, had Arab owners and tenants on the land, and yet you claim it is Jewish? Crazy!
  24. You obviously have difficulty understanding the vocabulary used in this hit piece that twists the facts. "clear and convincing information" is not "evidence". "Reasonable grounds" is not "evidence." Clear and convincing information could be Eylon Levy telling her "Hamas are raping women in their sex dungeons" - He actually said that on LBC. Reasonable grounds could be anything at all! The report notes that it was not an investigation, not a single Israeli person came forward to say they were raped, and that actually, it is the Palestinians who are being raped by Israeli soldiers.
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