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Everything posted by BKKKevin

  1. You also need to consider more than jugaste price… Do you really want to live in a cheap place in the middle of the Bible Belt?… Again to promote Tucson… Check out this group of retirees to the area… https://www.facebook.com/Bears.of.the.Old.Pueblo
  2. In the outskirts of the city there are a number of older 55+ parks that are definitely D list 555... You can get a older park model for $39-40k with a lot rent of around $5-600 a month... https://silverkingco.com/communities/desert-pueblo/
  3. I have my eye on Tucson AZ as plan B... A nice liberal city with good infrastructure and health care... a number of 55+ communities... The only drawback I see is the summers are brutal hot... But that can be a nice time to travel off season to Mexico (I've lived in Aijijicon Lake Chapala).... Check out https://www.mhvillage.com
  4. It’s ironic that the man who coined the phrase “Sleepy Joe” is reportedly falling asleep at his own felony trial…
  5. My guess is the powers that be are doing a little house cleaning before they introduce their own digital currency... I wonder how much weed one can buy with 10,000 baht of digital currency?...
  6. If using Wise select the purpose as “Fulfill Visa Requirements“
  7. The Great and Powerful Oz can only come up with $100 Million... #ImReallyRich https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/nyregion/trump-bond-civil-fraud.html
  8. The article is from last year but the facts they present are still true today… This stock is worth about as much as a Trump Steak…
  9. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/7-reasons-trump-truth-social-232409341.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAnx3WQI3rzxBGstX9xTuwDK79UuC42mnKynWRpvBgzxcDWQuD9yRYWtA_ma6XFgGVtNfFa6k6Sw-ozNNbt1UHLIDlyq3-1b1d2usHs_MFJTYklmK8kmGB-lC58MmPDwBAuuzcsDXRgJOfwZI44Nzv3-KsweeMRcIWnw1ehDlWCz
  10. For this appeal to be granted he must post a bond or provide cash equal to the judgement plus interest... It is yet to be seen if he has the financial resources to do so...
  11. Slightly off subject… But when one does their one year visa renewal can one also get a single reentry permit that could be used anytime during the duration of the one year renewal?
  12. My Wise USD account pays 4.85%… Also a bit off subject but US citizens can have their Social Security payments deposited directly to their Wise account.
  13. Yada Yada Yada... Trump has had and will have further due process of law and will be punished for his proven crimes... Business will go on as usual and other than a few lawyers probably not getting paid no one will fall off the edge of the earth...
  14. Common Conspiracy Theory to be more precise... https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/15/us/politics/fbi-informant-bidens-ukraine.html
  15. I'm confused!?... Didn't the Prime Minister say last week that this problem was solved?...
  16. Sheryl, Could you recommend a hospital and doctor that specializes in Brachytherapy? I’m up in the north in Chiang Mai but could easily come down to Bangkok… Not to get too far off the subject but could you speak to what the current focal therapies that are available in Thailand, the only one I’ve seen is a doctor doing HIFU at Siriraj…. any options for cryo or tulsa?
  17. Newbie… A Kathoey would have had that chain off in a split second…. 🤠
  18. I'm in the same situation... I left during covid and will return in summer... My Kasikorn accounts are unaccessable from their website... Can you elaborate on what you had to do to reactivate?... Thanks
  19. I have a $100k/2500 Deductible policy from Atlas Travel… https://quote.worldtrips.com/AtlasTravel/Home
  20. He has been given 15 years credit as time served for his time in Dubai...
  21. Mike your summary of the Income Tax implications and calculations of our accessible income seem pretty straightforward. I wonder how transfers of large sums of non income money into Thailand will be treated? Transfers to buy real estate, make deposits for visa requirements (Ex. 800k), buy a car or pay for a heart bypass?… These are most likely to be coming from the foreigners savings… Doubt it would be taxed as income?… But then comes the nightmare of how to prove it to a Thai bureaucrat?… Is there a simple form to exclude these types of transfers from being coded as “Accessible Income”?…
  22. Great News for you!… Are you considering a focal therapy for your PIRADS 3 Lesion?… Please do get back with the cost as I am on the same path as you… Thanks
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