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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Are you seriously contending that Trump's criminal conviction in New York is going to survive an appeal?
  2. Great title, since Trump is the true Liberal and the Socialists are on the run. The shrieking of the Socialists from the cesspool of history that occurs every time the American people flush is music to my ears.
  3. He didnt. He did the WORST thing a government lawyer could do, he walks free and keeps his law license. Thanks Dems for demonstrating how Justice is blind. On the other hand Ashley Babbitt is dead, shot down by a DEI unqualified Federal cop. Cant wait for that trial to start soon. And the first Trump appeal decision. And https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-investigating-claims-comey-era-honeypot-operation-against-trump-2016-campaign-report Nobody is above the law. Nothing like a fresh breath of air to bring the rats out of the holes.
  4. They are down heavily here at Angkor
  5. The rot runs deep. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2025/02/25/dc_bars_ethics_probe_of_hunter_biden_hits_a_snag_and_some_see_favoritism_1093701.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Did you see that that scumbag Clinesmith, who FORGED a document to persecute an American citizen, is still a lawyer. No one is above the law?
  6. What a disgusting and misleading headline. A total discredit to this forum
  7. Ya mean like has been going on since Viet Nam.?
  8. What was the name of that movie with the screeching gay drag guy in France with ugo tognazzi?
  9. I'm not talking classic entertainment, nor plays behind the Front Line at Ypres
  10. Well what about the ocean? Thats wet and tunnels leak. Long way for the Flex Seal guy to travel with the can.
  11. Personally, I think dudes that dress like women (except for like old timey plays etc) have issues that are rooted in perverse sexuality and they should seek mental health treatment if their illness becomes too blatantly manifest
  12. Well now that I see your decent and altruistic thoughts on the situation, I am emotionally moved enough to say that the beasts should not be granted the mercy of a skull crushing, rather, lets smash their arms and legs and weave the broken floppy appendages into wagon wheels which we can display at Siam Square and use for education for school trips! While they are still alive and screaming, bring the youngest tikes in first so as to create a firmer lesson, it might take them a week or so to kick off and then the older kids can come in to see the bloated rotting corpses! A wonderful example for the kiddies. That sounds like justice to me. You are a very kind man.
  13. You dont think Putin is a thug bro? Come on, he might not be the worst in history, but he is still a thug. There arent degrees of thugginess, and you dont lose thug points if you are right and virtuous once in a while.
  14. Exactly! Make an example! Crush their skulls with elephants in a ceremony at Lumpini Park, then tear their twitching remains into pieces and feed them to the water monitors. I hope that doesnt sound to harsh, but we shouldnt have any mercy towards those verminous little bastids
  15. Well yeah, you cant raze houses, shoot peasants and rape the environment while using slave labour like they can.
  16. Dude I respect you but Putin can yammer all he wants, hes like Adam Schiff, he takes a germ of truth and spins lies. Hes a thug. So is Zelinsky
  17. My question would be how accurate this prediction is. Seems dead on. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2025/02/all-over-but-the-shouting.php From the analysis: "1) The war has been a disaster for both Russia and Ukraine. Both countries badly want it to end. Vladimir Putin needs it to end in a way that doesn’t wind up with him being hung from a lamppost. 2) If the United States had had a functioning president three years ago, the war would not have begun. If we had had a functioning president for the last two years, it would have been brought to an end before now. 3) Russia and Ukraine need President Trump to manage an end to the conflict. Trump will do that successfully, but he won’t be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. 4) There will be a ceasefire, very soon. That will be followed rapidly by a peace treaty. 5) The terms on which the war will end are clear: Russia will keep a slice of eastern Ukraine pretty much equal to what it now occupies. In return, Russia will promise not to invade again. 6) There will be a peacekeeping force consisting of European troops. They will not be on the front line–God forbid!–but will nevertheless deter future Russian attacks, which Russia has no intention of launching. 7) Ukraine will give the U.S. mineral concessions of a value sufficient to repay some of the cost that our taxpayers have incurred in supporting that country. The details will be negotiated, but the final amounts will be substantial." Link above.
  18. When your number is up, the buckle is meaningless
  19. Well I try to give everyone a chance not to be branded as an idiot.
  20. You mean like decrying lawfare while applied Alvin Bragg?
  21. I use Real Clear Politics myself as my starting point, but the Socialists dont like it because it stands for intellectual, political and philosophical diversity. . www.realclearpolitics.com
  22. Well would you like to compare the bona fides and judicial temperament of this Judge and, hmmm...how about that NY judge, you know, the one with the daughter who was a Dem operative? So tell me about how this Judge is corrupt, other than he was appointed by Trump. Hes the only one I recall other than the DC District blatant partisans. You arent contending that only Trump appointed judges are corrupt, right? Nobody is that stupid.
  23. Im reading the AP lie feed right now. No one is restricting them.
  24. And demonstrate, by facts, what steps are being taken to replace our Republic with an authoritarian state.
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