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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Socialism can only be successful on top of the graves of millions.
  2. Fabulous. I just woke up and am having my morning coffee (80/20 Arabica/Robusta) made strong in a Phin, hitting some Oreo Cake in a 9mm Grav hitter and listening to Bach while surfing. I was out till 3am watching the meth heads cruise the deserted streets of Siem, although the hot chick trying to lure me in by flashing her clam at me did make life more amusing. Attractive one too. Too bad my back hurts.
  3. So much winning....................................fabulous.
  4. European jew haters are all over the place in SE Asia, generally because they havent been able to make it in the West. There is an organized organization of Islamofacists out of Indonesia that promotes this stuff too.
  5. Only when its politically expedient. Otherwise they are just "dudes who can give birth". Anybody can be one, just say so.
  6. Its OK, we see every time you post who supports theft from the taxpayers.
  7. Translation: I dont know enough about US law or any of the lawsuits to back up my increasingly hysterical posts, so I will flame.
  8. Chainsaws are fun. American dudes like chainsaws
  9. Oh. You think her organization was entitled to a........BILLION DOLLARS? Is this the new Thieves Law? Give us first and chase it later? Its not your money so why do you care other than your desire to troll.. Save your bile for when you have to pay more to defend yourselves. Its gonna be great watching you leeches in Europe squeal.
  10. Ohhhhh look, a flame LOL. Ever been to Cambodia?
  11. As usual, no facts to support the same duplicative deranged spittlespew you vomit on every discussion.
  12. Translation: I can never justify what I say. Tell us the right wing slant. Stacey Abrams is a Democrat politico. She formed an organization that did nothing. She then got awarded a billion. Any dispute?
  13. No significant theft. OK. Got it. Stacy Abrams earned that billion dollars. Show us what rule has been violated. Is it in the CFR? I guess you think that Mar a Lago was worth 18 million dollars LOL. You are a furriner living in your own propaganda bubble. Me, I pay more to Uncle Sam in taxes than you make in a year and I would love my bill to go down. Doesnt effect you though, your part of the no American cadre stealing our money. Stealing. The Fraudsters Scream the Most.
  14. Show me one lawsuit that will be sucessful. Pick one. The one you want. Show us how its a winner. You wont and cant. you dont even know how to cite.
  15. Really? So the 24/7 pronouncements from Trump, Vance et all make one ignorant? Its all lies? Look at the flame too LOL.
  16. OK, pick and choose your ethics. Trump/Musk are on firm grounds ethically and constitutionally under US Law. I defy you to show us otherwise. Its laughable you preach "ethics" while applauding lawfare by your philosophical comrades Its my tax dollars btw not yours being stolen.
  17. Gavin Newsome is a slimy incompetent elitist suckhole
  18. who??? We see who is in charge now. Transparent. Open. Answering questions. Telling the truth.
  19. I guess the OP does not understand how men like, for example, Sidney Hillman and Elon Musk operate in the context of the US government.
  20. The question I have is who was running the country? He wasnt.
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