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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Nuking kills them all, not just the black ones.
  2. Which history books are you colouring in? Thats you. The ones that name Marx, Engels, Rousseau, Plekhanov, Lenin.... Thats me. Then u Are we following this? Caught in stupidity so he resorts to flames. Then you ask me for an answer, hysterically. Thus: Yap yap yap yap. Hi little puppy. Ready for me to make you look stupid again? Europeans invented Socialism. hahahahahahaha. You didnt even know that hahahahahahahahah
  3. Why wait. Go to your Socialist promised land now. If we let them. We just beat their asses on the ice too.
  4. The LBTREDSWY+++--- are the Socialist foot soldiers and are supported in the highest levels of the Democratic Party in the USA. As usual, you lie. Anyone who lives in the USA and has a life outside of padding ones post count with lies on a Forum knows that.
  5. Ooooooo what a tragedy. Far worse than National Socialists and their Ukrainian aides sardinenpackung Jewish women and children in an antitank ditch?
  6. Why? We have bets on when you will show up yapping
  7. Too dumb to read your statement and my answer again? Yap yap yap is all you have
  8. Hi flamer troll, caught ya again. Totally wrong as usual. Now you will start following me around yapping
  9. The ones that name Marx, Engels, Rousseau, Plekhanov, Lenin....
  10. Cantiny Chateau_Thiery O well maybe we need a topic
  11. Mohammed has been causing trouble since he came rolling out of the desert
  12. Where in Cambodia are you at bro?
  13. The choice is us or them. Deal with it.
  14. Nice Socialist spin. Racial Animus? How many are black on white? Religious? More than Anti perversion?
  15. You trust them? They are all part of ZOG.
  16. Wow thats so 2017, another victim of propaganda, sad. You believe in the Protocols too? The screech Russia russia russia is a sign of total moral and intellectual bankruptcy, or in many cases, mental illness.
  17. I encourage anti-semitism in Europe. Like the National Socialists and Bolsheviks found out, driving out the Jews deprived their nations of the advanced scientific discoveries that only Jews in their societies were truly capable of. Jews leaving Europe now deprive their moribund economies of the best and brightest scientists, thinkers, techies and entrepreneurs. Bring them all to the US I say, the more Nobel prizes the merrier.
  18. What do you call trashing some dudes property? Love? You dont need to use your body to paint, it just magickly appears?
  19. I agree. The Jewish Lizard People who control Donald Trump on behalf of Putin have finally won.
  20. I have used English Wilkinson Swords from the 80s with no problem.
  21. Sometimes you have to take bold steps. Nothing your lot has done has worked. I hope we pull out of the UN too.
  22. Not like we havent heard their same authoritarian bull faeces endlessly before.
  23. One of the interesting thing about these extremists is that they target unoccupied property, obviously, with the fear that antics involving occupied property might catch them a bullet. Now the minute the lighter and gas come out, pow. Its legal to exercise lethal force to prevent arson.
  24. Best selling author, Yale graduate, how bout you? Screeching anti americanism, obsessive Trump derangement and jew hating on a Thailand Forum? If he was a gibbering retard, his political positions would be more mainstream than yours.. The flea does not bother the elephant.
  25. They arent "white" South Africans. They are South Africans whose families built a nation and who are now being persecuted by racists. The world needs to boycott South Africa and divest.
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