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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Well if you cant explain it in the context of your comment, I bet its because you dislike a certain group of people.
  2. Ah yes, the canary sings, but cannot fly.
  3. Caught in a lie and they just spin. Trump is right again. Winners winning. Win win win.
  4. Wow thats deep. Ladies and Gentleman, the highest rated News Network is your enemy. Who is your friend? Rachel and Nicole, who hate dying children?
  5. Bread basket? You mean a pocket to be picked.
  6. Looks like a nice gathering of decent Americans. Thanks for outing.
  7. And how did it come into being?
  8. The Ukraine is not a country and has never been one
  9. Putin's not invading anything anymore. It's like being an old man ina go-go pick the best one cuz you're only getting one shot
  10. The world is pretty simple. There are decent normal human beings like me and there are those that aren't. Works well for me. Good and evil. Good is the state of israel. Evil is Hamas and their supporters. Easy peasy
  11. You mean the highest rated and most watched news station in america, even among the Democrats.
  12. So you accuse me of something and then just withdraw it. Who's the dumb and terrible poster then?
  13. Awwwww, look at the widdle flamer LOL
  14. Or for folks who have been continually lied to by the media
  15. Must be some inside joke among your lot.
  16. Please show where I berated Zelinsky, the comedian, for negotiating in front of the cameras.
  17. Translation: When it comes to discussing the subject I am lost so I will flame again.
  18. You HAVE to speak our language. We dont care that yours exist. The rest of your stats mean nothing
  19. Translation: Flames are all I have. Can't argue against your facts. I wouldn't know how Socialist dual command down to platoon level affects the strategic and tactical efforts of armed forces.
  20. There's none so ignorant as who cannot argue facts
  21. Translation: As is customary I can point to nothing to support my assertion that the American people are being conned.
  22. Even better. They still are your boss
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