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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. Ostensibly, Americans who draw Social Security and live overseas are supposed to receive a letter from the Social Security Administration every year asking them to confirm that they are still alive. I have lived in Thailand for eight years and have never received one of these letters. Does the fact that my Social Security check is Direct Deposited in my American bank, exempt me from this requirement? I am concerned because several expats have said that my SS can be cut off if there is no response to the questionaire they send out. Any expats know anything about this subject?
  2. The comments to my post on sugar amounted to : “if you don’t like the food and don’t speak the language….GO HOME!!!” What an enlightened crew of cranks.
  3. Another “internet expert”. You know NOTHING!!!
  4. Both the restaurants I mentioned are top class restaurants. I actually would be better off eating street food but Thai food is something I can only eat occasionally. I am NOT a fan of Thai cuisine.
  5. I always tip 40 baht for a meal. It’s my contribution to the local economy. These people are barely getting by. I won’t contribute to their unhappiness. My GF excoriates me for tipping, but it’s not her money. It’s just the right thing to do.
  6. I am pre-diabetic and try to completely avoid sugar in my diet. Restaurants here in Pattaya make that difficult. One high-profile Norwegian restaurant uses sweetened condensed milk in their scrambled eggs. Another popular restaurant, owned by an Australian, sprinkles sugar on French Fries. You can’t reason with them because they deny using sugar in their recipes. Has anyone else noticed this???
  7. Pompous ass. I have a graduate degree. I am more “literate”. than you will EVER be.
  8. It’s not the IO who keeps my passport, it’s my agent, who is also my landlady. No problems EVER in leaving my passport with her. It is required if I want to renew my EOS.
  9. My situation is a one-time event necessitated by the fact that my EOS needs to be renewed in close proximity to the date of my next 90-day report. It is unlikely that I would need to do this again.
  10. The last time I checked, I am a “people”.
  11. Belief in ghosts is no more bizarre than some of the beliefs of evangelicals. Just ghosts of a different type.
  12. Looks even stupider when your brains are spilled all over the highway. Get with the program and protect yourself.
  13. I’m better off now. I have internet and a computer. I had none of these things until 1996.
  14. THAT’S a switch. A Thai woman BEING defrauded, rather than the opposite. ????
  15. Thanks, I am renewing my EOS on the 11th of this month and was concerned that my passport wouldn't be returned before the 20th. Just trying to cover my A**e.
  16. If my 90-Day Report is due on the 20th of this month, how early can I file the report?
  17. I have NEVER known a Thai to be charged with murder. The usual retort is that if the farang had not been in Thailand, the incident would never have happened. There is rarely any accountability for crimes committed against farang.
  18. Only TWO Thai men???? They were about eight men shy of the usual number that kicks drunk farangs around.
  19. The Supreme Court has proved it is not beholden to Trump. They have ruled against him at least twice.
  20. Trump is obviously delusional. What democracy locks up political opponents??? He will die in prison.
  21. My landlady is my agent and does my renewals every year. I have had one 90-day report accepted online, but I prefer to go in person since I live only 500 meters from the Immigration Office. The new office space is much more comfortable than the old arrangement.
  22. What a sad way to mess up your life permanently. Rape is never okay. Leave the young girls alone.
  23. It’s not going to happen. He will get a Royal Pardon and that will be the end of it. Thaksin and the “highest institution” have been close for quite a while.
  24. If you say so. I have no information.
  25. He’s in no danger. He is military. They run the show.
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