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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. As there the only ones reporting directly from Gaza there's not a lot more choice. Your best mate Bkk Brian quotes them too. So more useless nonsense from you to.
  2. I wouldn't trust 99% of main stream media no matter where it comes from, they all do there owners bidding or there out of a job.
  3. Now you have the benefit of religion I thankfully do not, so my soul and the devil don't compute. Whatever the Hamas leader has said is your normal deflection away from the post you questioned originally but as you brought it up I'll give you my take on it. Hamas will lose this war as they are fighting a far better armed and supported military who don't care how many innocent Palestinians they kill on the way, putting that to one side, what next? My guess is Israel will go back to normal running Gaza as an open-air prison with all the same restrictions on Palestinians as before, but this time International support for Gaza will be huge as the one thing that is getting out to the world is the fact that Israel is a Apartheid state with the morals of an alleycat.
  4. Bizarre, really so we can have opinions but the negotiator who along with others got Thai nationals out of Gaza quicker than most other nationals thinks what he does. I'm not saying he's right but to me his opinion counts just as much as anybody else.
  5. Great that you know, now everyone that doesn't know has the opportunity to know as well. If members comment, great if they don't not my problem.
  6. You are on a Thai Forum, and a Thai has negotiated the release of the detainees and now you want to put him down for saying it as he saw it. And I'm disgusting, do some short sharp jumpy movements and jog off.
  7. Glad I've live up to your expectations, you've certainly lived up to mine with your one-sided views.
  8. Innocent until proved guilty same as Israel if they ever get charged.
  9. Not up to me, is it? I can't answer for the Thai negotiator.
  10. Go to 2.08 that question was asked and answered in the video, it's all there.
  11. Lerpong Sayed told Sky News Hamas saw his negotiating team as "Thai Muslims" rather than as politicians. Thais make up the largest group of foreign nationals working in Israel and many were among those taken hostage by Hamas on 7 October. Thai hostage negotiator thanks Iran for support - and says Hamas justified in taking captives https://news.sky.com/story/thai-hostage-negotiator-thanks-iran-for-support-and-says-hamas-justified-in-taking-captives-13018272
  12. Euro-Med Monitor estimated that at least 15,271 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, including 3,561 women and 6,403 children. If those figures are anywhere near correct there must be a case for either War Crimes or Crimes against Humanity, and it's nowhere near over yet.
  13. Nonsense, I have always excepted Hamas's atrocities of the 7th are War Crimes, what others on here fail to get is that Israel is also more than likely guilty of War Crimes as well.
  14. Maybe you just want to believe they were ill treated, so that you can justify the slaughter of 1000s of innocent Gazans.
  15. Exactly, all that lovely gas, out in the Med, just off-shore. As of 2017, the Gaza Marine field licenses were owned by PIF with 17.5% of the field development rights, Consolidated Contractors Company owns 27.5% of these rights and Shell 55%. The development and gas extraction rights belonged to the Palestinians alone. In the year 2018, Shell company, which had taken over British Gas earlier, decided to relinquish its 60% stake in Gaza Marine, transferring it to Palestinian state companies.
  16. You get asked a question, don't answer it, then ask me the same question, when clearly I agree with Norman Finkelstein's comments.
  17. So what do you suggest as an "End Game" more of what's gone on since 2006/7?
  18. Find anything you like where he lies in any of his writings, Alan Dershowitz has been for years.
  19. As it happens I have read and watched many of his interviews and am of the opinion that his background, history and idea's are exactly what this conflict needs, a truthful look at reality.
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