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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Highly suited after Iraq obviously, lol.
  2. Obviously not, did the IDF have a gander at it, I think not, or if they did choose to ignore it.
  3. Here's one for you: https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/civilians/
  4. Great, glad you saw it, opinions suck don't they, but they are just that opinions whether you like them or not, freedom of speech and thought.
  5. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=https%3A%2F%2Fmalcolmnance.substack.com%2Fp%2Fhamas-needs-children-to-die My opinion, suck it up.
  6. Dunno, I only hate Zionists in this world, not Jews
  7. I could hazard an guess, but the laughing emoji brigade would love to get us anti Zionists another holiday off the forum, sad hats
  8. As has been said on numerous occasions, if it doesn't agree with the Zionist propaganda, it has to be antisemitic/anti Israel, what a farce.
  9. Point 1: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=https%3A%2F%2Fmalcolmnance.substack.com%2Fp%2Fhamas-needs-children-to-die Point 2: This time Israel declared war on the 7th Oct but imho they declared war back in 1948, this is just another skirmish, before the next one starts.
  10. Point 1: Search Results for https://malcolmnance.substack.com/p/hamas-needs-children-to-die Questionable Sources A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete… Point 2: You go on about the 7th as if that's the only reason this current conflict started, which is disingenuous at best to Israel's conduct for the last 20 odd years.
  11. Maybe so, but it doesn't stop you from talking up all the rubbish reasons why the Israeli IDF must keep killing innocent women and children, does it.
  12. The questions that need answering are not about the outcome of the 7th but more about the Israeli conduct towards the Palestinian people for the last 20 years or more. A questionable source according to the fact checker. https://malcolmnance.substack.com/p/hamas-needs-children-to-die
  13. And I'm not a fan of right-wing Zionists who thing they have the right to do as they please to anyone who does not agree with their point of view, nothing is ever their fault always blame everyone else.
  14. Couldn't agree more, the lot of them have only one agenda to quash any criticism of Israeli action. We all agree I think that deep down Hamas did a terrible thing on the 7th but they have no sympathy/thought of why they did it, OK I agree I might not be up to speed on all the history like Morch is but when all you get back is ridicule for at least trying to understand their point of view (Morch and Co's) it then gets into arguing which is to me a waste of time.
  15. Of course you have evidence of women and children voluntarily staying in order to protect terrorists?
  16. In an exclusive interview with the BBC this evening, French President Emmanuel Macron said Israel must stop killing babies and women in Gaza, but Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu responded that world leaders should be condemning Hamas, not Israel.
  17. Belgium makes the best beer, Switzerland make great chocolate. Americans are not that good at wars really, are they? Good at supplying the weapons as that's what their economy is based on.
  18. Yes, the get out of jail free card, forgot about that. World opinion will have to suffice.
  19. If at the end of this war there are proven war crimes committed by either side and it is proved Israel are guilty then yes, you are complicit.
  20. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4268794-the-symbiotic-relationship-between-netanyahu-and-hamas/
  21. I prefer to think of it as not a right-wing, Zionist view, which is beginning to look a bit suspect.
  22. America does have a choice who their Allies are, and can choose to support or ditch said Allies if they don't like their conduct, up to you.
  23. Response to criticism: HRW program director Iain Levine said in August 2009, "If the Israeli government wants to silence critics, it should fully investigate allegations of wrongdoing and take action to end the abuses."[76] In a Jerusalem Post op-ed piece that month, Kenneth Roth wrote that reports of recent Israeli human-rights violations had "given rise to an intense campaign by the Israeli government and some of its uncritical supporters to smear the messengers and change the subject." According to Roth, the "problem is not the messenger carrying news of that misconduct, whether Judge Goldstone or the human rights groups that have been the target of a disinformation campaign launched by the Israeli government and some supporters. The problem is the conduct of the Israeli military."[77] According to The Times, "most" HRW Middle East staff "have activist backgrounds — it was typical that one newly hired researcher came to HRW from the extremist anti-Israel publication Electronic Intifada — unlikely to reassure anyone who thinks that human-rights organizations should be non-partisan."[16] The Times later said that the Electronic Intifada had published the HRW researcher's articles without permission and that she "was not directly employed by that group".[20] In the wake of the 2009 Goldstone report, HRW accused Israel and its supporters of an organized campaign of false allegations and misinformation designed to discredit the group over its findings concerning the Gaza War. The organization tied the criticism to a June 2009 statement by a senior official in the Israeli prime minister's office who pledged to "dedicate time and manpower to combating" human-rights organizations. According to HRW, the criticism amounted to an organized effort. Attacks from different sources, with similar language and arguments, implied prior coordination. Iain Levine of HRW said, "We are having to spend a lot of time repudiating the lies, the falsehoods, the misinformation".[78] A group of 10 Israeli rights groups accused the Israeli government of attempting to "instill fear and silence or alarm vital organizations" who were engaging in open, public discourse.[62]
  24. Well if it's against the rules you can complain can't you?
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