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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Had a look at Wiki for Efraim Karsh and there seems to be a lot of debate on some of his views, not unlike on here, as has been said, " a complicated subject, all round" Howard Sachar sees Karsh as the "preeminent scholar-spokesman of the Revisionist (politically-rightist) Movement in Zionism." Prominent New Historian Benny Morris called Karsh's Fabricating Israeli History "a mélange of distortions, half-truths, and plain lies that vividly demonstrates his profound ignorance of both the source material... and the history of the Zionist-Arab conflict," titling his article "Undeserving of a Reply". Morris adds that Karsh belabors minor points while ignoring the main pieces of evidence. Political scientist Ian Lustick commented that Karsh's writing in Fabricating Israeli History was malevolent, and his analysis erratic and sloppy. Yezid Sayigh, professor of Middle East studies, wrote that Karsh "is simply not what he makes himself out to be, a trained historian (nor political/social scientist)."[14][better source needed] Karsh accused Sayigh of a "misleading misrepresentation of my scholarly background" and retorted that Sayigh's remarks were "not a scholarly debate on facts and theses but a character assassination couched in high pseudo-academic rhetoric". In a review of Rethinking the Middle East, el-Aswad writes "It seems, in many cases, that whatever does not match the author's views is charged with fraud and deception".
  2. Interesting read, I wasn't aware of this, another thing to blame the British for and WW11. I wonder if the colonial powers after WW11 would have left the M.E. to get on with their lives if history would have been a lot different? https://www.thetower.org/article/there-was-a-jewish-nakba-and-it-was-even-bigger-than-the-palestinian-one/
  3. This is the problem with this whole multi-threaded debate.
  4. No need for an appointment at Phitsanulok, but you will need a bank book with the correct funds in it, they are red hot on that.
  5. I have my retirement visa from Phitsanulok, living with GF at her house out in the sticks, I have found that the Immigration office there to be very helpful, no dramas and always very helpful if you want anything answered or your not sure about.
  6. Another good point, I'll now add my body armour, their gonna love you lol
  7. Great post, I'll stick me Tin-hat on now waiting for the replies
  8. OK, I'll give you that one, over 50 years ago, but Armourlites, blast/nail/fire bombs will still kill you, and the 70's flak jackets were about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
  9. Q1: You would never know exactly, nearest I can remember was a round ricocheting off the Sanger/sandbagged position between me and a medic, oh how we laughed afterwards, he had <deleted> himself, I must admit I wasn't far off myself. Q2: Hand to hand in the street count, where you never knew what was coming at times
  10. Yes I did, in the 70's Belfast and Armagh, in the city and in open countryside, the Paddies could shoot and bomb better than Hamas too.
  11. On the contrary, Hamas will go and unless the Palestinians elect a pro-peace government another Hamas like entity will carry on exactly the same. Hopefully the Israeli people will also elect a peace loving government that can live in peace as well, or this will all be on rinse and repeat for another 75 years.
  12. Obviously have no idea of the British military, as for the rest of your rubbish, tell me the same in 50 years time when this is still going on, unless Israel changes.
  13. From what I've seen/read that was an execution by the untrained.
  14. Easy one that, stop targeting journalists, and allow independent press into Israel, not just those who solely support the Israeli government.
  15. Wouldn't of expected anything else, same as you don't care how many die to keep Israel an Apartheid State.
  16. Opinion lol, 9 years in the UK forces so I have no idea what a professional army is. As for your comments on Israel's loss of support, tell that to the dead and dying.
  17. So we are supposed to believe The State of Israel's official Twitter account managed by the Digital Diplomacy team, lol, but anything from an Arab source is rubbish according to you.
  18. Great nonsense post, as expected, still got no answer to the "IDF are unprofessional bullies" or the point that Israel is losing the support of the majority of public opinion.
  19. It's all very clear to me Brian, no matter what happens you and your ilk will defend Israel whatever is put here, sadly.
  20. Is the Pope lying as well. Pope speaks out after IDF sniper kills two women inside Gaza church https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/16/middleeast/idf-sniper-gaza-church-deaths-intl-hnk/index.html
  21. 'Killing rage': Wallace warns Israel not to fuel conflict for another 50 years after Netanyahu says no ceasefire https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/wallace-israel-cameron-netanyahu/
  22. Let's be honest here, the IDF are without doubt unprofessional bullies who are only taking revenge for the attack of the 7th. Only a matter of time before the whole world turns on them and their leaders.
  23. I hope you have a link to said policies? or how did 3 Israeli ex-hostages end up dead, killed by there own forces because they still follow their usual practices of 20 years ago, as shown.
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