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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Give me that in plain English, try again.
  2. Deaf dumb and blind, so expected, chosen people my arse.
  3. Having reading problems, Israel is an Apartheid state, end of. Israeli's will be going to hell if there is one, and they are no better than Hamas in my opinion, disgusting Zionist's since 2006.
  4. Zionist clap trap, Israel is an Apartheid state, except that or keep out of it.
  5. Of course the Israeli's are as pure as the driven snow in all this, Israeli's think they are the chosen ones and all non-Jews are nothing more than in their way to colonise the whole region by fair means or foul. Mostly foul, if there is a God Israel will be hell bound forever.
  6. Defending the undefendable, this is not the first time I've seen video's with the same total disregard for any rules of engagement, we are the Israeli IDF and if you're not Jewish we can do whatever we like to you. Yes, blah blah blah what Hamas did on the 7th was one thing, but how can anyone of sound mind think this type of conduct by your armed forces is going to help your cause. Over the last few days any sympathy I had for Israel has gone out the window.
  7. Yes, and. WTF are you heartless ? In plain daylight fully armed Israeli's toss a man out of a wheelchair and people go nuts, so fully armed men then terrorise unarmed civilians, beggars belief. If Armageddon does come to Israel they have no one to blame but there selves.
  8. My apologies Brian I think it must have been the usual garbage from Fanny, opps I meant Tranny
  9. You and Bkk Brian are like twin sisters lol
  10. Must you keep following me round this thread, follow the links if you must know, troll away.
  11. It wasn't as you well know, troll away somewhere else.
  12. Please stop trolling me Brian I answered you once.
  13. Defending the undefendable, couldn't expect more.
  14. Exactly right, so go back to 2006, when apartheid began
  15. rotflmao from the biggest troll on here, who posts nothing but glib remarks, no wonder you have so many posts
  16. What? so why must you comment, trolling as usual.
  17. I've no idea, wasn't part of the original question.
  18. They were bombed during a proper war, WW2, not this little skirmish between a few thousand Terrorists and the 18th largest military force in the world, which could have been easily avoided if they hadn't of acted like an apartheid state since 2006, when the then Israeli backed Hamas took over Gaza.
  19. Totally agree with you about what is happening in Gaza, Hamas must be obliterated but then what do you do if and when that happens, go back to pre 7th of October and see what happens or does Israel change it's attitude towards the Palestinians?
  20. Works for me, as long as both sides do the same together in point 1
  21. It was a tongue in cheek reply to the above post, "Murdered how? Do you consider all people, all children killed in wars to be 'murdered'?" Sorry if it offended you, it wasn't meant to offend anyone apart from anyone advocating killing children.
  22. No, but you implied you know something we don't because of your knowledge of Arabic.
  23. I thought this was a English only site, so I think your explanation while interesting does not apply here.
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