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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Good point, maybe killed illegally or they committed suicide because they couldn't understand what was happening to them, being so traumatised, or the children were just playing lets run into explosions for a laugh.
  2. Same deleted different day, as expected.
  3. Every post of yours supports more death and destruction as long as it is from Israel an Apartheid state: https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/
  4. And from the same BBC: Watch: The devastating effects of War on Gaza's children. Warning: Distressing content. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67339462
  5. And rightfully deleted by the Moderator, we all get a bit OTT at times, I can forgive you for being an Apartheid supporter as well. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-hamas-and-other-armed-groups-must-release-civilian-hostages-and-treat-all-captives-humanely/
  6. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-hamas-and-other-armed-groups-must-release-civilian-hostages-and-treat-all-captives-humanely/
  7. Albanese, an Italian academic, has often been accused by Israel of displaying pro-Palestinian bias, a charge she denies.
  8. Excellent potted history of Israel since the 6 day war in 1967: https://conquer-and-divide.btselem.org/map-en.html
  9. Where is the lie? Are you alleging Israel is not an Apartheid regime?
  10. How is any of the above post an excuse for Hamas, if you must comment at least be honest.
  11. To quote you, "I thought" that's a good one.
  12. I'm sure it would have been deleted if it was dodgy, and I checked it out first.
  13. Israel’s attempt to destroy Hamas will breed more radicalisation, UN expert says: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/07/israels-attempt-to-destroy-hamas-will-breed-more-radicalisation-un-expert-says
  14. You definitely couldn't afford me, cutie.
  15. I would only give you a thumb up at a place of my choosing and guess what the sun doesn't shine up there.
  16. https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid
  17. As I said, if so please prove otherwise.
  18. The Duty to End the Occupation: https://www.btselem.org/duty_to_end_occupation
  19. And what is the problem with that, is it a lie, if so please prove otherwise.
  20. Well let me state very clearly to you I am not against all Jews, only the ones who wish to rule by Apartheid and oppression, there are [plenty of Jews who are not in the Apartheid camp. Is that clear enough for you and your cohorts.
  21. Yes, I know if you are against a right-wing Apartheid State your obviously antisemitic, who'd of guessed.
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