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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Which means it's nature. No crisis. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/temperature 3 month averages show Thailand hotter 36 years ago. https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/climate.php
  2. Posting the facts isnt trolling. You claimed cooling. In fact the earth has been warming from a mini ice age. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/ Facts are above.
  3. I know the answer, nature.
  4. So you cannot explain 1 the 1730 period 2 the current 2016 to 2023 period Just posting an old graph we saw before isnt science.
  5. Explain the 1730 warming period and the 2016 to 2023 cooling period.
  6. 1730 to 1740 very warm period. How do the climate people explain this? https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/
  7. UK has been warming since 1700. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcet/ Oldest data set in the world. So warming started over 300 years ago.
  8. Wiki isn't a science website.
  9. So the current cooling is natural. Therefore all the warming by definition isnt caused by humans as warming happened pre 1900. So there is no crisis, just money grab.
  10. Windows 7 here.
  11. 68 baht gets you in. After they may try to strip your card. Never buy from an unknown company.
  12. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/temperature 2021 in Thailand was cooler than 2010.
  13. Daily temperature records only go back to the 1800s in most countries. In Thailand not even that long. Temperature records of the last 74 years "The hottest temperature measured from 1949 to January 2023 was reported by the Nakhon Sawan weather station. In May 2016, the record temperature of 43.7 °C was reported here. The hottest summer from July to September, based on all 15 weather stations in Thailand , was recorded in 1987 with an average temperature of 28.9 °C" https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/climate.php So the hottest summer was 1987. 36 years ago.
  14. Watch out for his Vlog on Ko Tao next. How I escaped an attack.
  15. Stunt to raise online profile. Get 100,000 followers. Not even sunburnt!
  16. 40 year old scams. Just different product. Conning 10,000 people out of a little is easier than conning 1 person out of a million.
  17. Swimming drunk in dirty waters. That's the average tourist Pattaya attracts.
  18. Was cold today and windy.
  19. No doubt they are looking at ways to "adjust" the data to make more money in future and increase the trend up again.
  20. Nice scam. 68 baht is cheap. Might fool a few thousand people.
  21. I used 7 years. No warming for 7 years is a lot of data. Greta and others said there was a crisis. Totally wrong. Wrong 7 years in a row.
  22. Totally irrevelant. Have the last 7 years shown any warming? No it's cooled off according to your graph. That means the "crisis" is over. So Greta was totally wrong. So it's been a big scare campaign and totally over the top.
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