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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Pick your top 3, go see them. The Who were terrible at the Superbowl.
  2. The last 6 months has been the best 6 months of my life since about 2010. Simply because I choose to forget the past and focus on the next week ahead.
  3. I don't regret seeing some big names live. They were awesome.
  4. Revenge on what? Regretting past spending doesn't make your life better. Maybe these other 5 or 10 places you want to visit will be no good. Only way to find out is to go. Book a ticket tomorrow and go next month.
  5. What is stopping you going to other countries now? Buy a ticket and go.
  6. Make a list and go to these places in the next 2 years.
  7. Your dreams should always be bigger than your memories. (Otherwise you are living in the past ie not living)
  8. bignok

    Isaan Woman

    Date a type 4 for short term fun but marry a type 3. I wouldn't go near the other types.
  9. bignok

    Isaan Woman

    Marry an agreeable. Type 3.
  10. bignok

    Isaan Woman

    My girlfriend is no 3.
  11. bignok

    Isaan Woman

    https://www.inc-aus.com/amy-morin/psychologists-say-there-are-5-personality-types-heres-how-to-tell-which-one-you.html#:~:text=Most modern-day psychologists agree,possesses some degree of each. 5 types of people according to this. Sounds right to me. Pick a woman with a suitable personality to match yours.
  12. bignok

    Isaan Woman

    Judging all Isaan women based on 1 bad one is not a strong argument. Isaan women are fairly diverse in my experience.
  13. Cook and eat it.
  14. A micro business can work same hours less money. A worker who loses 5 hours still gets same hourly rate. So it's worse for the micro. I know a guy and wife they work 6 days a week each their hourly rate is not good. They work twice as hard as the average worker. Plus they have to pay rent on the business building. A worker doesn't do that. So it's always harder on micro businesses.
  15. Think about it. Wages are often set so stay the same. Mom and Pop business may lose 25% of their income. Covid killed a lot of them. Some mom and pop businesses may lose money so working for nothing. No worker works for nothing.
  16. Some of my friend's are embarrassing. I never met up with them in Thailand.
  17. What is the best town in Vietnam?
  18. I don't join gyms in order to save money.
  19. So did you have rabies?
  20. For 90% of people who don't lose their jobs or run a small business it won't affect them. Recessions mainly impact on mom and pop micro businesses not average workers.
  21. That lasted 6 years. A 6 month downturn means little.
  22. Not really. Unless they lose their job or run a business it has no real impact. A downturn affects some but many people have recession proof jobs so no impact.
  23. bignok


    I got ideas already but first hand experience is better. Doesnt matter.
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