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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. Cannot agree more, they do not want to answer. A certain admission letter from a wrongdoer from a poster few years ago (other thread) to DWP I asked for details, they did admit there was something, highly unusual about its offering. IM asking again through Freedom of Information, no answer to date
  2. Thanks for that, still here, feel bit better actually but is certainly something to think about to say the least
  3. Posted some time ago govt sponsored investigation into benefits ,Portsmouth university
  4. Understandably the frozen bunch getting together, comfort in numbers perhaps. That frozen pit sure holds unimageable horrors
  5. The ire of it, to wake up on this bright and beautiful morn (but cold)to be met by a hostile quote, it puts me off (almost) my cornflakes Yes ,it must be hard to exist there on ever dwindling worth of State pension, on other hand mixing with the unfrozen bunch too, must be most upsetting Anyway, as your likened near bible bashing quote re. " getting it" I can also quote "man should not live on bread alone" Matthew 4.4 ..... add some meat to your diet...go unfrozen
  6. It was not hard to determine that outcome. I've waited far longer for Freedom of Information request that I made initially from DWP than I was advised , simply the DWP are not going to answer. Anyone paranoid use Wise, or drop mail box in Spain, cheaper than UK, you need to receive those pension rises letters making sure they are not returned, but as women states, the blind leading the blind, just receive happily your nice big rise in another 4 weeks Like to come back to TH,but the increase in benefits close on £200 a week mostly untaxable plus OAP and public sector pension puts me in position I'm individually paying off the public debt, if the 200 a week was stopped Id probably come back, but its just the weather there that's OK ,the rest mmm. Far cheaper here in UK
  7. There is a strong link to acid reflux to cancer gullet/stomach
  8. Please get a scan ,ever other person will get cancer in their lifetime
  9. Went to Calcutta for years,2 years apart, had the 2 scans same time, found cancer, gullet. Back to UK,told 6 months to live or surgery,12 hour op, could not face it, so radiation,5 weeks of it, knocked me sideways,MRIs CT coming out of my ears, stomach stabbed 7 xs, sent cameras in, stomach wash out ,no spread. Money spent unreal, every day £100 taxi ride provided, for 5 weeks,3 spells, long hospital,stays ,every which way docs gps,nurses ,hosp appointments dozens of them, still going on Throwing money at me £109 tax free every week, plus another £80 weekly taxable every week plus OAP,plus public sector pension, money when I don't need it. Anyway seem to have OK,but scans will def save your life
  10. ...but its only 6 years DWP can clawback
  11. YES we have had all this before, as previously stated ,and as you stated "BINGO" meaning yes, to the poster that questioned you on its authenticity and you made a voluntary statement to DWP inviting potential and actual correspondence. You shot yourself in the foot on this one,5 years after actual event, taking into account 6 years is the maximum DWP can clawback, so why make voluntary statement with just one year the DWP can clawback, makes no sense, but I know you wanted paperwork so you could re-jig the conclusion
  12. Is it Where is the punishment? surely there must be a crime and a punishment fits the bill,and as far as I can see....none
  13. "I can tell you about my cases. TRANSAM JUNE 1 2020 PAGE 7 They never went to court, just got 1000 quid fine and repay the over payment figure. One didn't get the fine because he had a brain something-or-other and his UK sister did his paperwork, but he had to pay back the over payments, his pension payment went back to the figure he would have got when he moved to LOS. They did their homework and told him when that was...". This is your statement ,page 7 Transam June 1 2020 also ... coming up........... lol
  14. Do you not read past quotes "taking the cut from his pension" is not possible, if of course you could point out any error of mine, please do not hesitate to inform
  15. Bragging on an open forum about committing pension fraud isn't as clever as you think it is. Defrauding the UK state pension, or engaging in pension fraud, is considered a serious offense. The penalties for such fraudulent activities can include both criminal and civil consequences. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are potential penalties for defrauding the UK state pension: Criminal Charges: Individuals involved in defrauding the state pension may face criminal charges. If convicted, they could be subject to fines and imprisonment. The severity of the penalties may depend on the nature and extent of the fraud. Civil Penalties: The UK government has mechanisms in place to impose civil penalties for pension fraud. The Pensions Regulator has the authority to take action against individuals or organizations that breach pension law. Civil penalties may involve financial sanctions. Repayment of Illegally Obtained Benefits: Individuals found guilty of pension fraud may be required to repay any state pension benefits obtained through fraudulent means. This could include a requirement to return the funds received improperly. It's important to note that laws and penalties can change, and new developments may have occurred since my last update in January 2022. If you have concerns or suspicions about pension fraud, it is advisable to report them to the relevant authorities. In the UK, this may include reporting the matter to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or other law enforcement agencies. It was you that posted this rubbish in other thread " Defrauding the UK state pension, or engaging in pension fraud, is considered a serious offense." erm no,no offence so where does this leave you? go on tell
  16. Rubbish,as stated Non-sanctionable/punishable.You sure know how to pour on rubbish No they cannot,not worth their time
  17. Nothing to do with frozen/unfrozen,thats what this thread is, not hypothetical happening.
  18. So what? is that actually sanctionable?punishable? go on say so, lol
  19. Will do nothing, already stated DWP will not investigate most allegations. If you can read its None sanctionable/punishable, so what do you make of that? is your understanding somehow skewered, cannot /will not do anything, including stopping ,clawing back ,suspending. If you kindly could link your statement to what is actually law ,I would be most obliged
  20. True ,No NHS waiting period/,double charging. Just keep UK address, even International pensions would advise that too ,if you want frozen ,tell 'em
  21. The DWP have repeated reported that only Universal Credit, Sickness/disability benefits, pension credits will be investigated, no matter if it spreads to State pension, nothing will be done. If I was DWP think Id send proof of life to every recipient even in UK,but the uplift letter every year does that in part. Its 6 years that DWP has right to clawback, after that its written off
  22. No, this is blatant lying. The State pension cannot be reduced,stopped,or any payback undertaken,its the LAW. Of course if you would kindly point out as a point in law ,be it court records/newspaper reporting it would suffice in my mind at least, and I'm sure the entire world inc TV You stated years ago it was sickness benefit (its on record)that he was apprehended for, and quite rightly told to pay back its none contributed benefit payment So, I am awaiting your further contribution as to the rules and regulation as applied to your friend Please hurry,as my morning toilet awaits Thank You
  23. You love this subject, must be hurting after all these years frozen. There is no punishment for being unfrozen in a frozen land,none,nada,period That sums it up, no mythical dreamed up "Ive heard this " rubbish/garbage Cannot/will not change, keep those unfrozen pensions pouring forth Of course you could quote any punishment fothcoming,implemented ,but somehow I think Ill be awaiting a long long time,probably forever😂 Enjoy the 8.5% rise £11500 or something like,tasty Cheerio lol
  24. Read it,so what? means nothing,by any chance are you frozen? lol
  25. A frozen pension sure hurts more than the eyes
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