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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. The only ones that ever admired this corrupt individual were the army stooges. lock em up
  2. Thanks I have sorted it since. The movie I downloaded from Piratebay was Equalizer 2 from 2018 I think. it was a 1.9GB 1080p file in MP4 format. I downloaded the subtitle file from Subscene, and yes it was out of sync, but LG has a setting where you easily can adjust the sync. I've been out of the running for maybe 10 years, but I recall downloads at that time were all in MKV format, though I didn't download those from torrents but from subscription sites with 'news' in the name. The name escapes me after all those years. So what is the best source for movies these days?
  3. Did the German get his 1 million back in exchange for retracting his earlier comments?
  4. As I said, I have SSD connected to my LG TV through USB. No Kodi on an LG TV. I prefer older movies over today's crap, so most of them are MP4. Google told me the solution in the meantime, which is just to add the subtitle to the same folder, and enable subtitles in the settings of the TV.
  5. Curious which school the OP is teaching English
  6. I consider downloading a movie every now and then, and watch them using an external SSD connected to the USB of my LG smart TV/ Since I'm not an English native, I prefer subtitles. Found that most of the movies available for download are MP4 without subtitles. Which software you use to add the subtitles to the MP4 file please?
  7. I have used the Centrum Silver many years ago and considered starting again. Where is the best place to purchase them nowadays?
  8. Same as yours I assume
  9. Not it is not, and I have proven that to you in another thread some days ago, so stop trolling
  10. Is medical certificate now needed for every renewal, also the 5 year ones?
  11. From what I read, Ukraine and Israel are not buying anything, they get them for free from the warmongering democrats, but of course someone has to pay the weapon industry
  12. Is your Google not working, or do you have other intentions with your bait? https://www.womenslaw.org/laws/preparing-court-yourself/after-decision-issued/file-appeal/process-filing-appeal/what-motion What is a motion to stay? How does it affect the order I am appealing? When you file to appeal a judge’s order, the act of filing the appeal does not stop the court order that you are appealing from going into effect. The only way that the order would not go into effect immediately is to file a post-trial motion called a Motion to Stay and for the judge to grant a “stay,” which prevents the original order from taking effect while the appeal is going on.
  13. I know some that will cry themselves to sleep
  14. About time this corrupt individual got locked up
  15. Since I'm of that age my youth was in the vinyl era, and I started buying cd's much later. As I posted earlier, I brought over ~100 LP's and a similar amount of singles, as well as a turntable. Of course I also brought a load of CD's with me. Today, most of the older CD's will have issues when playing, because the reflecting layer has dark spots or even transparent spots, while all the vinyl still plays as if I bought them yesterday
  16. Because you tell a lie many times, doesn't make it a truth https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/debt_deficit_history https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/
  17. This quickly could become an electoral year if BJT get dissolved
  18. And how is your answer related to my question? By the way, i must have hit a nerve, as you have been going through my posts and replying to them. Maybe fearful about what you are seeing in the GOP primaries, knowing that the US next January will be Trump ruled again.
  19. Are weapon sales included in GDP? Asking for a friend
  20. Is my post just 2 above yours invisible to you? Better I leave this thread because since you are now a mod, I can't add you BACK to my ignore list
  21. What are current times? Today? Yesterday? I have used my pink card for many things in the last 12 months, including opening a bank account with SCB
  22. The policeman had no business to be there, it is not his daughter. Nobody here knows what previously happened, him showing up there was for the son probably the drip that made the bucket overflow
  23. Does useful and necessary have the same meaning to you?
  24. Nonthaburi is certainly not upcountry, and neither is Pattaya. I did my previous 5 year license with yellow book, because i didn't have a pink card yet then, I did my current 5 year license last year with pink card. And now we know why someone on this forum always advises to use agents for visa. Hint because he IS an agent
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