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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. The OP of course, because he paid for an oil change a few weeks ago, and they forgot to reset the warning light. Then the next garage instead of just resetting the warning light, change oil once again
  2. Let me see if I get this right. The piano is somewhere in the UK. In the backside there are some Chinese people, visibly filming themselves and other people. Then after a while those Chinese people gonna make up the rules in the UK? If I was the pianist, I wouldn't even have wasted any time on them, and told them to get the f**ck back to China
  3. Nope. the tank for model WP355 - 405 is taller than the one for model WP205 - 255 and 305, and is listed separately and priced differently. I called the Mitsubishi call centre, and they told me the pipe connection is different. So I have returned the tank and ordered the correct one from another seller.
  4. If there still is money in the account it will be dormant, and you just have to visit the bank on your return. If there was less than 500 baht in the account it will now be empty and deleted, because after the first year they will deduct a small fee every month until it is empty
  5. BenStark

    Mud pump?

    I have 2 large inground concrete tanks in which I collect water provided by the deep well pump. It is daily used for the irrigation system, and also goes through a 3 stage filter to fill another tank which provides water to the house. Over the years, a layer of sand has collected on the bottom of the concrete tanks, and I want to remove the sand without climbing into the tanks. A simple submersible pump will not work, since they are for clean water, and they obviously also won't suck the very bottom of the tank. I was thinking about a mud pump, but what I can find is quite expensive. So any suggestions on an economical way to clear the job are welcome. The tanks have an opening of 70 x 70, so movement is no issue Edit to add : Since I have a swimming pool, I also have a vacuum set, I only would need to find a pump that can handle the sand.
  6. I have such a feeling someone got ripped off, as there was no need to change the oil again. The previous garage only had failed to reset the oil warning light. You really don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that those warning lights work on the distance the vehicle travels, not on the oil quality in the engine
  7. Lots of Moroccan's live and work in Belgium
  8. I replaced one over a year ago, and no issues at all
  9. You happen to have a number of the call center?
  10. That's what I try to find out. When eyeballing both pumps next to each other it all looks the same, apart from the height, but just a 1 centimeter difference is too much of course. That said, why would Mitsubishi not make one tank fits all? It certainly would save them money
  11. Well that is just the point of my post, as I don't know that. In the picture they both look the same, even the height looks same, although a WP305 is lower than a WP355. But since I bought on Shopee, I have only 3 days to send back, and obviously can not attempt mounting the motor, as that will make scratches. So my hope was that someone had tried it before, Thanks anyway for the useful info. BTW, i have replaced a WP355 about a year ago, and couldn't detect a bladder in either the new or old tank. Is the bladder supposed to be easily visible?
  12. English is not my native language...
  13. I have a Mitsubishi wp305 pump with the tank rusting, so i ordered a stainless one from shopee. Seller send me the 355 - 405 version, which is bigger and more expensive. Of course i can send it back for a refund, and get the right one, but I was wondering if the bigger size is the only difference, and I actually could mount the motor of the wp305 version on it. To me it looks as if the mounts are the same, but maybe the bigger size has a negative effect???
  14. Now I understand why your username is bot male and female.
  15. We know how many were caught, but nobody knows how many weren't caught, and in my opinion, that number caught dwarfs the number who made it through.
  16. Look at the post above yours, next spike starting right now
  17. The poster you replied may not be a rocket scientist, but probably has a better conscience than you. Tesla is was the most sold, and most expensive, EV in the world, so that mean that the majority of EV's sold are rubbish. If the most sold, and most pricey, manufacturer can get it right, then we all know what to expect from cheap Chinese crap. Of course, anyone who has ever dealt with Chinese companies know how they deal with support and recalls. Hint: They are worse than Thai companies in that regard
  18. If there are more recalls for EV, that mean ICE have less negatives.
  19. https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a43625242/tesla-is-the-most-recalled-car-brand/ Tesla Is the Most-Recalled Car Brand—By Far—of All Cars, Trucks, and SUVs Elon Musk’s cars take 4 of the top 5 spots.
  20. The point is not about how it performs today, but how long it will perform. Kingston, and most other brands, have LT warranty. Copy one obviously has no warranty. I also looked up your previous recommendation about generic RAM on Aliexpress, and when I found the most recommended brand with the highest ratings, I started googling the brand name and type. And the review results made it clear that it wasn't what I, and most other users, would be happy with. No I'm not an expert in RAM, neither in coffee nor beer, but at least I don't continuously ridicule others on this forum pretending I'm an expert in everything, like you have the tendency.
  21. I trust everything is fine, I only try to understand why two RAM modules with the same spec show different readings
  22. Yes Apacer is in slot 2 and 4, and Kingston is in 1 and 3. XMP is enabled (profile 1), and all timings set to auto, but as I said, there are so many settings available that I don't see the woods through the trees
  23. Thanks for continuing the attempt to enlighten me Can you explain what you mean with that? According to the vendor, and Apacer, it is 2666 MHz RAM and XMP is enabled. https://www.advice.co.th/product/ram-for-pc/pc-ddr4-2666-/ram-ddr4-2666-8gb-apacer-panther-golden https://www.apacer.com/en/product/personal-product/detail/personal_dram/panther_ddr4 I also had to look up JEDEC, since it obviously is Chinese to me, and it tells me this The JEDEC DDR4 standard supports various speeds, ranging from 2133 MHz to 3200 MHz and beyond. The JEDEC DDR4 standard specifies several different speeds for DDR4 memory modules. The most common speeds are 2133 MHz, 2400 MHz, 2666 MHz, and 3200 MHz. These speeds refer to the maximum data transfer rate that the memory module is capable of achieving. So why my JEDEC speeds are showing 1066 for the Apacer but 1333 MHz for the Kingston in standard mode, since both are supposed to have the same spec? I took a screenshot of the memory tab with only the Apacer RAM in the MB The Uncore frequency fluctuates between ~700 and ~3700 MHz
  24. Bells has disappeared for a few months already. I asked today at a distributor and he said no import anymore. Many more palatable swills have disappeared lately for some reason. Ben More whisky also gone. There are more of which I don't recall the names. Beer lao dark, not seen anything brewed less than a year ago. Cheers beers also are disappearing, what you find is old stock.There is another thread on this forum from someone who also asked where to find the quality import beers that were available a year ago
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