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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. I just received PC RAM modules from the usual suspects online, and they are counterfeit. In fact, I knew before even ordering them that they were counterfeit, as I went through the reviews and found plenty of evidence. The only reason I ordered them is that I wanted to see with my own eyes how good copies they are, and then report the seller for counterfeit when I send them back. And yes they are real good copies these days, and most people don't know it, which is evidenced by the hundreds of 5 star reviews the listings get. The package is identical to original, and eyeballing them and comparing to the real thing, doesn't show any difference. Inserting them in the PC and running CPU-Z or other software, shows it is the real thing again. Correct specs, manufacturer correct, chip manufacturer correct. RAM tests give also positive results. I have looked at Youtubes about how to find the counterfeits, and what is shown there is a different quality of what I received. The only way I could detect it, other that there is no Synnex or other warranty provider sticker, is by scanning the QR code on the module. This results is a completely different RAM module from the same manufacturer. The QR code on the packaging label is completely different by the way, and takes you to Sh**ee and Laz**a. So that brings me to the question. Since they are these days capable of making near perfect counterfeits, who says that the chips are not of near same quality? So would you use them, knowing they are counterfeit, but at half the price
  2. Yep that's how it usually works in Thailand. Protect the criminal loan shark, and treat the victims as criminals
  3. Wow Lou, you just took it to a new level. Do you work for the department of "corrections" by any chance?
  4. I guess OP has never heard about Google? https://www.bigc.co.th/search?q=campbell https://www.bigc.co.th/blog/en/collection-of-classic-soups-from-the-campbell-brand/?s=campbell
  5. as a prominent xenophobe lawyer’s query I corrected it for you These are the same guy's wo are promoting tourism to the Thai national parks
  6. Isn't it a bit ridiculous to suggest they ask to be allowed selling alcohol during hours they are permitted already?
  7. I thought political parties were disbanded if there was suspicion they were run by people banned from politics?
  8. You can find a negative review about every device, even the best one on the market, if you search long enough. Congratulations, it took you long to find a thread to put your usual, I know it all better, stamp on it. BTW the review is written by someone who just became and adult and purchased his very first Android box. Sure he knows everything
  9. Maybe you should check before opening your mouth and spouting your usual drivel
  10. Because you didn't pay yet doesn't mean it isn't owed. Land taxes are a law for several years already, but as with everything else in Thailand, the laws are not enforced. I think there is also a clause that if you are registered as living in the property, you're exempt.
  11. And that is also what the new law aims at, allowing it for the medical benefits only. Not for people getting stoned and claim it heals the pain in my shoulder
  12. It was posted in another thread a few days ago that SCB and Krungsri have a similar option at similar rates
  13. No they don't, they don't allow foreigners to open accounts that give anything better than the basic rate. Been there - got the t-shirt. I'm on retirement extension and have a yellow tabien baan and pink id card
  14. You can get a 4TB crucial SSD for less than 9000 Baht, add an enclosure for a few hundred baht, and you basically have a 4TB USB drive
  15. You say you retired, why you can't get retirement visa?
  16. Please reserve your space in the visa forum for your next topic, titled, I was denied entry because IO says I'm not a tourist
  17. This is what you said, so obviously in your mind people wear jewellery to impress others. That you don't wear any is either because you're too cheap or too skint I mean, who do I seek to impress, and why?
  18. It's like the withholding tax refunds. I asked if they could put there fund in my KTB account. Can not sir because you are foreigner. Next I receive a cheque, which I only can collect by deposit it in my KTB account
  19. But then he was ousted, and now he's back, so you can breath freely in and out now
  20. Don't know about AIS but I have a True prepaid SIM as second number, and I can activate it 360 days in advance for just 30 baht. I would think other companies offer something similar
  21. You conveniently forget to mention the bid-ask spread and the exchange fees you have to pay at both ends. And 2 baht fee for 3 million baht is just pure drivel from someone who didn't make a transaction
  22. That alone shows that you wear jewellery for the wrong reasons
  23. The one and only real crypto expert on this forum, you find him in the crypto forum has been predicting that once the crypto ETF were approved, it would catapult BTC to 200K, The ETF's were approved by the SEC on Wednesday, and the red dot in the screenshot is when they started trading yesterday. My guess is that the elastic in the catapult broke
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