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Lite Beer

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Everything posted by Lite Beer

  1. Welcome to the Land of Noise. Thais love noise and there is nothing you can do about it. A shame.
  2. Yep. They don't bite and are usually very helpful. That is why they are there.
  3. Yep. Just do as the locals do and lounge around getting drunk. Whatever day it is.
  4. Plenty of Thais get drunk on these stupid no alcohol days. They don't worry so why should you?
  5. Without a Visa you will need an onward flight to be able to board the flight in Germany.
  6. East West diner has a few Mexican items on the menu. Not exactly a mexican restaraunt though. https://www.facebook.com/East-West-Diner-ขอนแก่น-107276228489092
  7. We can only hope it will be. Crazy waste of lives.
  8. Visa on Arival costs 2,000 Baht and gives a stay of 15 days. Only available to applicants from a few countries.
  9. That is of course wrong information. Maybe the American should have gone higher up and question it.
  10. As long as you qualify you should not have any problems anywhere. Pretty straightforward. I did mine at Khon Kaen Immigration last month and was in and out in less than an hour.
  11. As said, pretty easy to comply with. Stay away from O-A Visa. Arive with Non O Visa or Tourist Visa or Visa Exempt. Complete the process at Immigration in Thailand. Immigration are usually pretty helpful and freindly. Stay away from dodgy agents. You don't need them as it is simple and cheap to do it yourself.
  12. Depends on what you are asking. Visa from your country? Visa in Thailand? Extension of stay in Thailand?
  13. When your wife is 50 she can get 12 month extensions for retirement. you can get the same extension as her husband.
  14. As said above. Requirements being 400,000 in the bank or 40,000 monthly income.
  15. Unless you show the whole document this is useless. The numbers are the boundary posts. Not dimensions.
  16. Do they sell LED Blubs? ????
  17. With all respect if applying 45 days early, 30 days return from application would not work.
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