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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Well, that's Democracy, Thai style!
  2. Were they deported and blacklisted?
  3. Taxing my salty treats I eat with my beer is blasphemy!
  4. Not sure I am worried about them tracing my purchase of an ice cream cone for my daughter at a local vendor. But hey, to each their own.
  5. I've got to go to the bank soon to get paperwork for my extension, plan to ask them what they need based on this latest news. However, I think I had my wife ask them last year, and they didn't need anything, so not sure if it's an issue, or not. My SIM comes from the True account that my wife started for our cable, the package comes with one free SIM, that I have used since I got here.
  6. So does my daughter before heading out to school, I prefer the digital route 🤪
  7. Driving too fast for conditions, proper training would help avoid this, not to mention proper drivers testing procedures. What was I thinking... TIT
  8. In the land of the free and the brave?.....oops, I mean the Kingdom of serfs.
  9. I'm confused, why would "Chinese nationals" be transferred to Thailand? Myanmar still borders the China, correct? Wouldn't they be transferred back to China?
  10. Yup, it's been getting worse the last few years too.
  11. I use those QR codes with my SCB account, no fee.
  12. Any seniors in wheelchairs should steer clear of Thailand, it is not even remotely handicap accessible or friendly.
  13. I assume Thai's lack any reasoning skills or care for self-preservation, they base their every decision on what they want in the moment. Safety is a foreign idea, thus dismissed, and safety of others doesn't even enter their brain.
  14. Senior tourists (aka Elderly), in this case slower and more likely to be injured, traversing a country where safety of movement (via vehicle/walking/street-crossing) is the most dangerous, is a recipe for disaster.
  15. "Vote rigging" and "money laundering" in Thailand?! .....I'm shocked! 😲
  16. I thought Casinos made their money off the riff-raff, not the highrollers. Bankrupting poor people to help pad their profit margins. So this move of eliminating the riff-raff seems counterproductive.
  17. I'm little bit confused, why didn't they just arrest them all as illegal immigrants? Did they have a visa, if not, they should all be in an IDC.
  18. This is the Land Of Scams, and they shouldn't be allowing the most corrupt agency (RTP) to handle eradication.
  19. I see a business opportunity! Casino agents, who for a fee, can make you look like you have 50 million baht in the bank 🤪
  20. Like I've said before, not a single thing in this country makes any sense.
  21. Not yet, and I can still make my normal Lazada purchases too 🤪
  22. I'm A+ and my half-Thai daughter is AB+, we may be able to sell our rare blood for some profit 💰
  23. They do this all day near me (thousands of motorcycles every hour), driving down the median line between two lanes travelling in different directions. This is on the canal road separating Lak Si from Pak Kret not far from CW Immigration. Several of these geniuses have small children with them, most without helmets.....its pure insanity.
  24. Riding a motorcycle against oncoming traffic, no helmet, while looking at your smartphone isn't much better, but I've see many Thai's doing it.
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