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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. I think Bangkok Post summed up perfectly, "a failed state".
  2. I believe the dial pad is only available to business 365 users, my family 365 plan doesn't have a dial pad available on Teams, yet. Not sure if they are saying they will turn that feature on for us, or not.
  3. Like you I used both Google voice and Skype to have two solutions. I can see texts in my Google voice history from CapitalOne, Bank of America, and Amazon.....not sure if it works with my Chase account yet, I tried using the voice back and forth with my Skype account for testing, will do more testing with family next few weeks as well. Hoping I can use Google Voice without getting my Google account shut down, but still looking for another Voip plan that has SMS included and relatively cheap.
  4. Been playing around with Google voice and the Google static telephone number they offer us in the USA, I think it is working for voice, and texting from banks and others has always worked. Not sure if it will keep working from here, but for now this might work for me. But I really don't want my Google account shut off, so I will cross my fingers for now.
  5. That would be really bad for me! The following is from wiki, which I believe is why things won't work here. "Google Voice is a telephone service that provides a U.S. phone number to Google Account customers[4] in the U.S. and Google Workspace (G Suite by October 2020[5]) customers in Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the contiguous United States."
  6. I see someone online recommending porting the Skype number through voip.ms and using software called "zoiper", I guess I am going to have to investigate it a little closer to see if it will work for my situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/1j0lkvc/skype_ending_need_alternative_to_skype_for/
  7. But can you make and receive voice calls from it while in Thailand using a Thai SIM? I don't believe so, but willing to be corrected. I know the texting works, but I believe voice calls either won't setup, or they may close the account. Technically, we aren't supposed be using the service from here.
  8. Pretty much what I thought would happen, I had my static number setup in the USA years before i came here, so it stayed on my account.
  9. I can confirm the texting works without VPN, been using that for years, not sure on voice, but think they won't allow it.
  10. That's what I was afraid of 😭 I have a subscription for 365 also, hopefully they (MS) give us some more communication on this, but I doubt they care.
  11. Your mileage will vary on that one, I think as soon as they see the Thai SIM card, they may deny the service. That's why I never did the setup on it, just kept the app using text only from when I set it up in the USA. It worked fine when I bought a new phone here too, but did try getting me to connect the mobile number, which I denied access to, it asks me this almost every time I open it, i just skip it.
  12. I know nothing about Teams, so not sure what the money can be used for. I was hoping they would just port services from Skype to Teams, but the email they sent doesn't mention Skype Numbers or services being ported over, just that they recommend Teams going forward.
  13. Try making an account then get back to us, they will port the service through your mobile phone number, if that's even allowed with a Thai SIM card. Plus I don't think they will even give you a USA local number when you set it up from Thailand.
  14. I believe the amount is moved over to Teams.
  15. Incoming and outgoing from Thailand? I don't believe so, in fact they may close your account. They link the service (voice) to your sim card number.
  16. I believe Google Voice won't allow us to do so, as previously mentioned.
  17. The basic needs are a local telephone number in the USA for incoming calls. Also the ability to call back to the USA as if I was there, same for texts. No other features needed. I spent $39 yearly for a 12 month Skype number subscription, and $30.50 yearly for Skype subscription. So a total of $69.50 for a local USA phone number, and unlimited calling in North America. Is there anybody offering this exact setup?
  18. Based on the email I got, it sounded like they are just abandoning Skype, telling us to port to another service. But will Teams just be porting Skype services over to itself, or does Teams not have the same Skype features? Never used Teams before, so don't know what it offers.
  19. Been working for almost 9 years now, but I haven't turned on the voice call option, which would let them see the mobile number here in Thailand. I rarely use the service, just for texts from banks.
  20. I have Google Voice setup from before I left the US to live here years ago, I still use it for texts from banks (with a USA local number), it is actually more reliable than Skype. But I also have a yearly subscription with Skype and a Skype number in the USA for pretending I was in the US. Like I said, I can use the Google Voice for text, but have never tried porting the call portion, I think they may notice where I am located and shut off the service. Hopefully someone here makes the transition to something else out there and let's the rest of us know how they fared.
  21. I guess we need to stay away from any high profile areas in Bangkok for a little while, or anywhere the Chinese are known to frequent. "US, Japan issue security alerts after Thailand deports Uyghurs to China" https://world.thaipbs.or.th/detail/us-japan-issue-security-alerts-after-thailand-deports-uyghurs-to-china/56686
  22. I think based on what he just allowed to happen to the Uyghur detainees, and his well documented assault on those in the south, that his true colors show how he really feels about the Muslim population here in Thailand. They would have to be complete fools to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
  23. Personally, I think terrorist should not be given any rights, they should've been executed upon being identified.
  24. So an at least 12 Billion Baht slush fund that will be used by corrupt government agencies? Nice!
  25. They really need tasers here in Thailand, the ultimate equalizer, and highly entertaining.
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