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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. It's either they are ignorant of safety and the laws, or they are blatantly braking them, is that better? Either way they are endangering themselves and others every day, I mean why would every car blow through stop signs on my way to my daughter's school. With only two travel lanes, clearly marked as no parking, why would they be double parked up to the yellow line? I could go on, but I am sticking with their ignorance and selfishness as the cause.
  2. All that's need is enforcement by police who know the rules, and punish the lawless behavior.. This stuff happens every day here, I could post videos day in and day out proving it, and video doesn't lie! Your covering your eyes and pretending it isn't happening won't fix it.
  3. If you'd like I can take a video tomorrow showing one trip to drop my daughter off at school, where you will see tons of ignorant Thai drivers ignoring road rules. No one stopping at stop signs, multiple people not using blinkers, motorcycles passing cars in a turn, motorcycles undercutting on corners, vehicles stopped or parked in crosswalks, multiple cars parked where it is clearly stated no parking, parked on all corners where it is illegal to park and clearly marked so, parked cars on sidewalks, motorcycles riding on sidewalks, etc. This is daily here, not intermittent. So yes they are ignorant of the rules and laws of their own country.
  4. No false premise. If you had actually read the Thai Road Traffic ACT you would know that Thai's aren't following their own rules and laws. Give the Thai Road Traffic ACT a read, you'll be enlightened.
  5. I've spent time reading thru the Thailand "Road Traffic ACT", almost all of the Rules and Laws that we are accustomed to in Western countries are in there. Almost nobody is following the laws and rules in place, which puts everyone in danger. So the issue is ignorance of Thai drivers, improper training, and most importantly lack of any enforcement. Until they have a proper police force installed, that actually enforces the existing laws and rules, nothing will change.
  6. To tell you the truth, my wife checks us in, I always end up as a "plus-1", or as a "plus-2" if our daughter is with us. Never handed over my Pink ID or passport while staying at numerous places around Thailand. Nobody has ever asked for either while staying in any hotel here in Thailand.
  7. Nope, both my Thai motorcycle and car licenses have my Pink ID number on them.
  8. Made my first trip out of the country in October 2022 while on a Nonimmigrant "O" marriage using a reentry permit, still living in the same place for 6 years, my local Immigration Office insisted on a new TM30 being done when I got back. This was for the Nonthaburi Immigration office. I don't know if it had something to do with my last TM30 being done back in 2017, or not.
  9. I have used Android Auto and just use google maps that way on my 2021 MG ZS, though I still don't like it, as the display isn't high enough on the dash. I prefer to have the Google maps running on my phone up in my field of vision (Usually just above the dash up against the A-pilar), especially while driving here in Thailand where you have no luxury to look away from the road for even a second.
  10. I am sure someone can fill the forms out with speed, I just prefer to have everything filled-out and double-checked before I print them off the night before. I also have the pictures taped to the new forms they have at Nonthaburi, they seem to like that everything is ready to go, which seems to make the extension process go without issues.
  11. I know my wife gets stamped in and out on her Thai passport, which is was odd to me, as my US passport doesn't require a stamp when exiting/entering the US. Not sure why Thai's are so stamp happy, they love to fill my passport with tons of stamps, its annoying.
  12. Nonthaburi IO made a point of making sure I got a new TM30 done when returning from the USA recently. So as usual, depends on which IO you have to report to.
  13. Thank you, I'll keep the other information in mind, but I think the Bank accounts, Car license, and Motorcycle license are showing my Pink ID number. Not sure if my passport number is on any of those items, hopefully not an issue, but I will check.
  14. Hi DrJack, Thank you for the info, will I also need to bring the old PP when visiting them, or will the photocopy of the original Visa be enough? Thanks again.
  15. I store everything in PDF files, using PDF software (create your own fillable forms from scanned documents) to enter/edit anything I need to, just a matter of printing everything off before I head over there, I use laser printer (black ink cartridge), and I sign everything in blue ink.
  16. When I renew my passport, what is actually transferred over to the new passport by Thai Immigration? I assume the original "Non-Immigrant 'O'" marriage Visa won't be moved, so do I need to bring my old passport and new passport when doing extensions and 90 reports to show the old Visa every year for extensions/90's? Because I believe they want to see that original Visa when doing extensions and 90-days, etc. Thanks for any help guys.
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