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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Yup, whenever governments want to "fix" things, tax is their first thought. If that doesn't work, the ole "do for the kids" approach will pull in the last of the tear jerkers and any other holdouts.
  2. I would give the guard a raise, and send the Brit home and add his name to the blacklist.
  3. I remember when I got my first license here, they had the room with the video up and running (most were on their smartphones), not a single person was watching the video. I also assume the written test is as big a joke as the drivers test in the parking lot. I would bet we know more about their written laws and road rules then 99% of Thais on the road, that's if they even have a license to begin with (Last I heard - 35% drive without one), the whole process of getting a license here is pretty much a joke anyway. I actually was in there one day for renewal, and I think a motorcycle taxi rider was in there who was obviously color blind, first he brought a friend to tell him the color, then the examiner told him "NO" and removed the friend, then he took the color lights test I think 3 more times, before finally passing it by sheer luck....LOL Like you, I don't understand when they make maneuvers that will certainly kill them if they fail to make it, and think nothing of the risks while doing it, over and over again.
  4. Yup, typical here, Thais blame everyone else, and anything else, but themselves.
  5. Did they forget to pass the brown envelope to the right person, or was the weekly envelope too light?
  6. One other reason, the driver consistently breaks traffic laws, thus they are afraid that a dashcam could incriminate them.
  7. Anutin is just waiting for his chance to backstab the little Princess and her father the puppet master, he wants her seat.
  8. Literally every problem in Thailand can be attributed to this, I wonder what the solution is....hmmm.
  9. Proper following distance, you need to leave room for error. Also, avoid undertaking as a solution.
  10. I wear almost always black shirts, they show sweat less, plus I love wearing black 🤪
  11. I find the headline hilarious, the last 4 years had us heading to 3rd world status by allowing rogue DA's and judges to be soft on crime, where you can rob people with a gun several times and be right back out on the streets to do it again and again.
  12. Yes, and also some other drivers in that first video, especially the motorcycles turning from the center lanes, crossing several solid lines, merging across hash-marked exit lanes. He's not the only culprit, he is just an extreme example of what happens when no laws/rules are enforced.
  13. Let Europe deal with issues on their side of the world, how many more wars over there need to be our problem? They seem to be unable to get along over there, too many wars in that region throughout history, maybe they should figure out how to get along better, or spend money defending/offending each other from their own pockets.
  14. I actually try to avoid unprotected U-turn as much as possible, sometimes no choice, but I have no problem waiting until it's completely safe to turn.
  15. Bought a Garmin Dashcam Mini 2 for this specific purpose, and their suction cup mount. It only records the front view, but good enough for when traveling. Used it in my rental cars on my last trip home to the states. 👍
  16. Had one guy actually jumping up and down in excitement saying "Farang! Farang!" and thought he hit the jackpot. He was super disappointed when my insurance guy showed up, and even with my dashcam evidence he still wanted to go to the police station to negotiate. Lets just say the police put him in his place, you can't come off an exit ramp and merge across 3 lanes of heavy traffic diagonally, who would have thought? LOL
  17. Well I would certainly be willing to take the crew quarters for the duration of the flight 😉
  18. Same here, has saved my wife and I four times now, all of the Thai drivers lied, the dashcam shown to the insurance and police fixed their lying ways.
  19. The Qatar flights to Doha are Boeing 777's, thus there is a hidden crew compartment at the rear of the plane where they could have put the dead body. Sounds like the crew would rather inconvenience the passengers, rather than inconvenience themselves.
  20. Every time I see these heavy handed government actions telling people what to put in their body, or not, it makes me think of the immortal words of Edgar Friendly:
  21. They are designed to slip on dirt, which allows them to turn easier on loose surfaces. On asphalt/cement they are inherently dangerous, especially to anyone new to driving one, add any kind of speed while on asphalt and everything gets way more dangerous. I've owned some of the sport models, they were awesome in the woods, but you had to be extremely careful when on road surface, which means taking it very slowly, especially when turning. The rear wheels are driving forward together on the ATV's I drove, no slip on the opposite wheel like in a car. Not sure if they use different differentials on the newer ones to fix this issue.
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