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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Yup, did both my Car License and Motorcycle license with the Yellow Book and Pink ID, only issue was I didn't do the Motorcycle License until 2 years later, so they they need to be renewed 2 years apart. I wish they just used one license with multiple endorsement like they do back in the US. But at least I wasn't required to do any testing after the IDP ran out, they accepted my Motorcycle endorsement on my US license as proof.
  2. To clarify, mine are done at Nonthaburi Land Transport on Tiwanon Rd., not Bangkok. But I will post an update after I renew mine in early summer.
  3. I rather like having the Pink ID number on everything, it negates the issue of new passport numbers, just use the Pink ID number instead. I am assuming that when I renew the Pink ID in 2027, that the number will stay the same.
  4. I'll let you know sometime in early spring/summer this year, have to renew mine again after I get back from a US Visit in April/May, but like you, I renewed both my Motorcycle License and Car License with the Yellow Book and Pink ID. The Pink ID number is what's on my licenses, not my passport number.
  5. What's the percentage when they add in the out-of-control loan shark debt?
  6. Really it just boils down to "if you don't need it, don't get it". Those of us who use it, felt it was worth it, and obtained it and use it. My wife is a professor at the largest Public University in Thailand, and she wanted it for many things when doing paperwork, so we went and got the Yellow Book and Pink ID, and we use it.
  7. It's called a participation trophy, meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
  8. Even if the MFP had formed a government, it would have been many years away from removing all the corrupt dinosaurs/pigs at the trough. Now with the new government, its more than likely going to take 20 years or more to fix the damage that the Junta/Thaksin clan created, and will continue doing for the foreseeable future. I consider Thailand to be a lost cause at this point, I see no future prospects here for anyone but the Elite, just a bad situation getting even worse. My wife still has hope, I don't share her enthusiasm though, hoping she sees the light so we can finally leave this Hellhole for good.
  9. If Thaksin is any indicator, fat chance in Hell of that happening.
  10. Never going to happen, the military, Thaksin, and he who cannot be named have made it impossible.
  11. Thinking of giving up the big bike this year at 55, I don't bounce so well anymore, and the idiot drivers here are getting more dangerous by the day. Too many close calls with motorcycles and cars passing, not caring that you are travelling in the opposing lane. That and I don't like having motorcycles/cars passing me in the same lane either, I want the whole lane for any emergency maneuvers needed, especially when I am leaned over in a corner.
  12. Nope, I will always have an out, not taking any chances on Thailand, I've learned my lesson here, never trust this place or anyone in it.
  13. Some of us have always looked at this as a temporary place to stay, even though I have been here going on 8 years now, there is no way I will cutoff all connection to my home country, especially knowing that Thailand looks at us as nothing more than ATM's.
  14. I am tempted by the 35.85 USD/BHT right now, but I am holding off any transfers until 2025, must have patience.....must have willpower!
  15. I'm interest in what it looks like, I was under the impression that it would be a copy of the same Receipt Confirmation I get at the Immigration Office. They used to rip the bottom part off of the TM47 form and stamp it, but now they have a whole new receipt confirmation printing system that includes a barcode.
  16. Is the next date not printed on the Receipt? The one I get from the immigration office has it printed right on it.
  17. In the case of violent behavior or outright murder, yes.
  18. Like father, like son....I am sure their Dads are proud of their behavior.
  19. What exactly is the purpose of online 90 day reporting? At least in person, they know where you are, right in front of them. I could be at the North Pole and sign in to do a 90 day report, which defeats the purpose of even having a 90 day report. So why build an online system to handle it? Just get rid of it completely.
  20. Other than yearly bank statement for extensions, everything else I do is via their app.
  21. The children learn from the culture of their parents, it's Thai culture that's the problem. Start by ending the perverted Thai form of Buddhism, install a respected police force (one that actually enforces laws, not breaks them), and create a better educational system for all (not just the rich).
  22. Until they have a system that generates the acceptance and receipt instantly, I'll continue to just go into my local immigration office for 90 day reporting.
  23. My bank account is linked to my Pink ID card.
  24. Well, Thai's in general don't follow any laws, regulations, or rules.....so why stop the status quo?
  25. It feels like I've heard this before. Yup, I think I have, the eternal state of Thai Deja Vu.
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