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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. Why do you think Israel is preventing them? Wait until the world start seeing the dead bodies pulled out of the building rubble bombed and collapsed by Israel.
  2. I was asked to provide links so I gave links. These are my own words written here in this sentence.
  3. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-palestinians-tower-media-idCAKCN2CW0AN
  4. Look on the tv it is there for the world to see.
  5. We dont like to speculate as evidence and reports is being gathered by experts but looking at TV it is quite obvious. Why did the Israelis need to bomb reuters news agency offices?
  6. From the UN website and gathered and investigated by qualified legal entities and persons. Also from amnesty international, https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/
  7. The UN inquiry are receiving reports and are investigating them. ''Commission of Inquiry collecting evidence of war crimes committed by all sides in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories since 7 October 2023''
  8. Netanyahu: March 19 2015 ''There will be no Palestinian state''
  9. France 24 live news. The tv station. Why are they not showing the views of all three parties?
  10. See france 24 this morning. There was a news conference after the meeting held with blinken and middle east nations Two Middle east nations reps and the US rep were on the podium speaking to the news. Aljazeera shows all 3 points of view. France 24 only shows the USA point of view. DW and Euronews deliberately silent as if they have been ordered to.
  11. Supporting killing of children is not good. How many more must die for you.
  12. When one sees the gaunt wrinkly faced old men who cant let go of trying to appear young.
  13. A question, You seem to have two topics to be having problems with western Union and now moneygram. What is going on?
  14. Read this and if the money has still not been paid out you may have a chance to stop it. Otherwise read the following about reporting a fraud. https://www.westernunion.com/ws/en/fraudawareness/fraud-report-fraud.html
  15. As described, you withdrew 8000 from the savings bank and the ATM issued it. Your account in the EU was debited with the 8000. What did you lose and what is the problem?
  16. Can immediately up the costs in Thailand for elderly retirement in Thailand. There is a wide margin between UK price and Thai price on which profits can be increased almost immediately.
  17. Scenario soon to come, when people buy luxury goods or rent or buy luxury properties, it may be incumbent upon the luxury goods seller/renter to do a kyc, to be sure the money they accept is not from the proceeds of crime.
  18. This is allegedly also part of the way govt also raise money, same with the regulators regularly going around suddenly announcing investigations and imposing percentage of revenue penalties on large companies. Imagine it is govt who end up profiting off the proceeds of crime.
  19. Are you sure? ''YouTube is Showing Ads On Non-Monetized Channels YouTube is running ads on non-monetized channels, but the creators aren't receiving a share of ad revenue''
  20. Well one can see the best of humanity coming out of the woodwork and they are trying to be warriors who assume greater moral compasses when commenting on these types of topics.
  21. I would say there is no settings to adjust, there is only a checkbox to enable/disable. There is probably something in braves adblocker code settings which youtube are detecting and they are blocking viewing when brave is used. Some other adblock addons are the same. Ublockorigin and adguard atm can be used. I don't watch much youtube and have no problem with ads when I do watch.
  22. What code entering is being described? The addon is basically installed and already functional with default settings as they are configured. If one needs additional settings configured its a simple process of open ublockorigin, get to setttings and tick a few more boxes. Takes about 15 seconds. Entering code lol, is this the developer of the addon doing this.
  23. Thats a bit draconian. Are you trying to censor the forum? Did you equally apply your message to others who do not follow your diktat?
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