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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. I thought it was a bignok topic again, lo and behold, I am right. All men should shave, beards are grimy and dirty, and I dont think ladies like them too much.
  2. Nope, do you really think you are saving earth whatever that means with this kind of chemical stuff. All the industry and energy to create, process and distribute the chemicals, manufacture, package and distribute the fake meat end product. Its all about job creation, business and profit. The greatest danger to earth is the number of humans themselves 5 Chemicals Lurking in Plant-Based Meats Veggie burgers don’t grow in the ground. They’re made in factories When something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t. In recent years, more consumers are trying meat substitutes made with plants. But they’re not made only with plants. Fake meat can have over 50 chemical ingredients—something you wouldn’t realize if you’re ordering at a restaurant.. Here are some things you might not know are in that veggie burger: Tertiary butylhydroquinone. TBHQ is a synthetic preservative that prevents discoloration in processed foods. The FDA limits the amount of TBHQ allowed in foods because studies of laboratory animals has found an association with TBHQ and cancer. Magnesium carbonate. Remember when some bread was accused of having a yoga mat chemical? Well, magnesium carbonate, used in foods to retain color, is also used in flooring, fireproofing, and fire-extinguishing compounds. Erythosine (Red #3). Red #3 is an artificial food coloring. The FDA banned the use of Red #3 in products such as cosmetics in 1990 after high doses of the substance were linked to cancer. But it can still be used in foods like fake meat. Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is an odorless, colorless liquid used as a moisturizer. It’s also used as a liquid in e-cigarettes and is the primary ingredient in antifreeze. Ferric orthophosphate. Also called iron phosphate, this chemical is used to fortify foods. It can also be used as a pesticide to kill slugs and snails. While generally considered safe (for people) in food in small quantities, it can be a skin and eye irritant and may cause an upset stomach
  3. Yes no problems. I get that.
  4. Firefox for a browser. Use one of the many Linux distros (with persistence) from a USB. This way you get to keep windows as the main OS and use linux. To be honest I do not have any problems in windows, just go into settings, harden the safety security settings and toggle/turnoff most of the other stuff in settings.
  5. Up to Thailand and their elected leaders. Nothing to do with non citizens and foreign expats poking their noses everywhere.
  6. But the ICC seems to be quite OK with what Israel is doing in Gaza, no charges or arrest warrants out on anybody.
  7. What a shame those in the US govt can't be held to the same standards in the ICC. from HRW 'US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on March 17 threatened two staff members of the International Criminal Court (ICC). He called them out by name, claimed they were putting Americans at risk, and intimated that the US could act against them, as well as other ICC personnel and their families' Can anyone really take the ICC seriously.
  8. Available. See it in a lonely freezer and have never seen anyone buying it. Personally will not consider ever eating that. From some website: "Eating these burgers is touted as a strategy to save the earth, casting meat as a prehistoric concept."" Hahaha "save earth" do these people ever listen to themselves.
  9. Online appointments reservation still not working as at 15h00 on Friday afternoon.
  10. An experiment during a period of time where governments around the world exerted almost total control over their citizens.
  11. Ha ha, my last marriage extension required 3 different people to shuffle and check the paperwork submitted.
  12. Looking at all the new huge buildings being constructed around the CW complex I wonder if some of them are not being built to house all the paperwork.
  13. Yes, this will be my first time to make a 90 day report using the appointment system. But all the paperwork printing, filling and presenting is still required when all is on their computers.
  14. Thanks but it will be too late now. My deadline is Friday and then have that one week grace period. It is easier to just travel to CW and back which funnily enough is the shortest part of this fiasco. The long wait at CW is the real problem to do a simple report. They even still want one to collect and fill in a piece of paper when everything is supposed to be computerised. The system at CW works like this: Wait in queue, collect form at desk (cant collect ticket number because form not filled) Fill in form. Stand in queue to collect ticket number. Hand over passport and filled form to officer who checks passport and reason and issues ticket number. Waiting waiting many times not less than 2hrs. Eventually ticket number called, present filled in paper form and passport and the officer fills in stuff on the computer and prints out a new paper form and stamps it with next 90 day report.
  15. Huge dose of whataboutism. Right to self defense should stop at and within a nations border.
  16. But it is related to that employment so it is everything in an indirect way to do with human trafficking. Maybe govts should compel banks and lenders to scrutinise more what they loan money for.
  17. At least issue the international arrest warrants. It will be up to coordination with interpol then.
  18. Oh there is plenty on both sides. Children are being maimed and killed.
  19. The nations and organisations and leaders of these war crimes are well known on both sides and to the ICC. Why does the ICC not immediately act and issue world wide arrest warrants for all of them?
  20. The police.
  21. Amazing how quickly the ICC worked and convicted the Russian president but no action for several years by the ICC against perpetrators of war crimes against Palestinians and Israelis.
  22. Thanks for that. Just made an appointment for Friday afternoon, queue number 1127. Have no faith anymore in their 90 day online report. They seem to be taking more fees with more customers with no improvement of service. It is still only about 5 booths to deal with the daily crowds at CW. It was all working much better when the 90 day reports was based at Muang Thong Thani.
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