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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. Israel want peace?...LOL How does one manage the peaceful settlers in the occupied west bank? ''of international law, established numerous Jewish settlements throughout the West Bank.[11] The United Nations Security Council has consistently reaffirmed that settlements in that territory are a "flagrant violation of international law", most recently in 2016 with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334.[12] The creation and ongoing expansion of the settlements have led to Israel's policies being criticized as an example of settler colonialsm''
  2. Actually it was not me who started discussing putin and Russia and recognised that the topic was going off track. I'm well aware it is the thread about Israel is at war topic, it has been stated by me a few times previously.
  3. Ok so I should have stated it as 'some' Brics countries who are or are not members of the ICC. Do you have some kind of OCD?
  4. So, Putin visited China as China is not a member of the ICC and the two nations are cooperative with each other. I doubt Putin would visit Thailand. Anyway what part of the topic 'Israel is at war' is so hard to understand.
  5. Putin cannot enter or visit countries who have signed and ratified the ICC treaty. He recently could not enter South Africa to attend a Brics meeting and he cannot attend many international events around the world. Recently also Brazil made a statement but that was quickly backtracked...because they are signatories to the ICC. Putin is Russian, they have withdrawn and do not recognise the jurisdiction of the ICC. Why would Russia arrest him when they do not recognise the jurisdiction of the ICC on Russian territory. Anyway, this digresses from the current topic...Israel is at war.
  6. Not entirely, the stigma of a world leader being branded a criminal and restricting their movement and an arrest warrant out on them, one day the law will catch them. He cannot even visit enter BRICS countries. Just need to wait.
  7. Erm.... Russia and many other nations do not recognise the ICC and have withdrawn, not signed or not ratified the treaty but there is an arrest warrant out. But then the British ICC prosecutor is a wanted criminal himself.
  8. Well that will come when all the evidence is analysed by the legal entities of the ICC and UN of what Israel thinks could justify their actions.
  9. Of course they will, and even the legal system in Israel has jurisdiction over the perpetrator crimes committed on their territory.
  10. That war is not over, there are already arrest warrants out on some participants in that war and it has restricted their travel to limited nations. More to come.
  11. You don't know that. Even the ICC and the UN still need to complete gathering evidence and witnesses and investigate and analyse all the evidence for crimes committed by both sides before it can be sent to the ICC for prosecution.
  12. There is land and a house (both existing one would assume) What do you need to pay anything for then? If there was genuine love and trust then your TGF would let you stay free for the rest of your life.
  13. So now we know why the word sexpat exists.
  14. Serious question, is govt going to tax all remittance transfers to Thailand, even if it is pure savings?
  15. Who cares, if taxable income is to be declared and taxes to be paid then it should be done, that will be the law for all law abiding people, just like it is in most countries. Then the govt will have more revenue to improve govt services and infrastructure to upgrade Thailand to version 2.0 so it can be like Western Europe or Singapore. Suggest the govt also introduce fines, penalties and interest for not submitting tax returns if income was to be declared.
  16. Are you proposing a war crime against innocents who will be caught up in what you suggest?
  17. While ye who gives a free pass to Israel thankfully there are those more qualified and knowledgeable to investigate and determine war crimes. From the UN "Commission of Inquiry collecting evidence of war crimes committed by all sides in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories since 7 October 2023" Questions also need to be raised by the inaction of the British prosecutor at the ICC.
  18. Non B or a non -O (what) retirement or marriage?? Work in Thailand and earn money one needs a work permit, no 2 buts about it freelance or working for govt, it seem the people employing you are doing it illegally. BTW one assumes the sums paid are over the taxable thresholds so one would assume you are following the tax laws to submit tax returns and pay taxes.
  19. And the retaliation of killing almost 3000 Palestinian children is less brutal and in the way it is carried out?
  20. It was actually all of the USA regime who were pushing the lie, many of those who still have very influential positions.
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