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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. When I see this kind of post I wonder whether it is a deliberate provocation, just utter stupidity, or is it your opinion that Israeli Jews must accept to me murdered by Hamas without fighting back.
  2. Doesn't look like an SUV.
  3. There is undoubtedly a problem with young Thai males..
  4. You're not an Alien? How disappointing.
  5. "According to tourism minister Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol, the extension would mainly apply to countries in and around Europe, including Germany, Scandinavia, the UK and the Commonwealth of Independent States, which includes Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan." I didn't read "no France", but I read no France.
  6. Abusing the system, don't you? Whingeing Pom.
  7. Yes but I am a sinner. And I had a look at my ultrasound pics this morning and it was pretty ominous. Also I am 71 and still acceptably fit. So I'd rather do it now, than in a few years when I am less able to cope, or when it could clash with other treatments.
  8. Of course, they don't have the philosopher's stone, as the Chinese have. Thirty years ago IBM reengineered into a services provider, so the future of Ford lies into people and goods transportation. May be the shipping of cars from China to the USA.
  9. Got a series of episodes of intense right abdominal discomfort, between Christmas last year and this July.I Suspected Gallstones, adjusted my diet somewhat and didn't have any painful symptoms since. Got checked yesterday, at Bumrungrad, by ultrasound and confirmed that I had now more stones (<10mm) than 5 years ago (CT/Scan, which I had forgotten). Doctor recommended removal, I said ok let's do it in January, but only if you get pre-approval from Cigna first. As a matter of interest I asked to nurse what the cost was; she showed me a (20233) package for one night in-patient at a cost of 234k. No problem I said, if I don't pay. Guys make sure you got a proper insurance, Thai immigration are right, with this regard.
  10. So, not France? Too many Arabs, right.
  11. AS it's name, LTR/WP (Wealthy Pensioners) indicates, they want pensioners. Now, from what I read here, some people think they should launch an LTR/YWP (Younger Wealthy Parasites), for those educated young ones who contributed to society exclusively through gambling.
  12. Who is that Justin Beaver?
  13. It is isn't only you, it is glaring. But what could you expect from a Populist who has inherited an economy that was already on the brink.
  14. Aren't marriages meant to last longer than one's passport?
  15. I paid taxes in Israel, Germany, France, Australia and not yet in Thailand. In the former four countries there was, everywhere, intangible evidence of the return on my tax investment. Australia paid me employment benefits even before I paid my first cent of Tax. Here for 25% of my hard earned income I'll benefit from the "friendly" services of Thai immigration and perpetual potholes. So I think there is some sense in minimising the tax we'll pay here.
  16. Yes, but it is pretty stupid to keep your foreign currency in the same place as your THB. Especially 500 Euro bills.
  17. I've always thought that Thai politics were low, but borrowing 500 Billion THB to bribe the people is way beyond anything I could imagine. And if he gets thrown out, the next government will pay.
  18. You keep repeating...And are just as boring as a flat stage of the tour de France.
  19. Yep, it would make the whole thing a lot more acceptable. I can understand to move to tax foreign income but I would have been gutted if they had changed their rules/practices retroactively. But it seems that my (32) years of not paying income tax (legally) are coming to an end. But high season tourists will suffer this year, THB will be going through the roof.
  20. If I voted Misty, Sherryl and Yinn, would I be taken seriously? I am Yinn BTW.
  21. Seems they put a lot of thought into these LTR visas... Two very different kinds of people on that floor in Chamchuri square.
  22. The fact that someone can ask such a question leaves me speechless. And I am no saint, by all means but I do envy, sometimes, those who can enjoy a bit of adventure with their partner of a lifetime. Pattaya is a great place to enjoy seafood and golf, to invite the kids, for a couple of retirees.
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