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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. If I was you i'd call my IO and ask them if they know about it. But I reckon I know the answer..
  2. OK you story can be true, but we can't base decisions or opinions of samples of one (known as singletons).
  3. Tell us what you are doing in HIV clinics, some kind of a hobby? I am asking because I could have missed something.
  4. Dunno what you are trying to say, I was responding to a post insinuating that 10% of girls 3 months pregnant would be HIV positive, which is rubbish in light of UNAIDS' figures. Can't we be serious for a minute?
  5. Why don't you stop posting garbage, real figures here.
  6. That's a very high figure, but I guess it isn't general population, rather a hight proportion of Gays and sex workers.
  7. So, since @NONG CHOK lives off savings he needs only a proof that these savings were earned while he wasn't tax resident in Thailand. If he doesn't transfer interest earned, that is.
  8. Vaginal sex with an infected partner: 1 per 2000 acts. Anal sex with an infected partner: 1 per 200 acts. So used PREP as suggested by someone here. I do.
  9. I'd rather masturbate than use a condom. Sex is folly, they've tried to destroy this for the past 50 years.
  10. They can do it tomorrow if they want, through a rule that requires tax residents to disclose overseas bank accounts and supply statements on request.
  11. Just like the rest of the country. Why are y'all here?
  12. So, they won't pay any tax in Thailand anyhow, DTA or not. That's all I was trying to say.
  13. I think you got it wrong, for kids you need more power than your own computer, higher CPU, memory and graphics card. I know what I am talking about I got two girls addicted on high quality graphics...
  14. I feel sorry for the USA, and the world. We have entered what will become the worst period in our history since the fall of the Roman empire.
  15. You are correct, I don't know how low UK state pensions are, but I have calculated that people transferring the IO required minimum of 65000 a month would end up paying something like 3000 a month. That's about one beer less a day, quite healthy isn't? And considering that the price of a beer is mostly tax, the government won't get any richer either.
  16. Absolutely not, if the foreigner is compelled to pay incom tax in Thighland. And, just for info, in Malaysia I get free entrance to the parks and many other places because I am over 60.
  17. Post of the year probably. Agree with every word.
  18. Love the way you treat your wife. Unlike me you must be a "real man"..
  19. Only third stop AFAIC: Advice, Jib, InvadeIT and then others like Banana, Powerbuy, etc.. But yes for an Item that isn't on catalog InvadeIT, being smaller, is more likely to respond.
  20. Exit "Le choix de Jean", a powerful documentary on this topic. You can use the english subtitle translations.
  21. Totally preposterous. The rich are the 1% who own 58% of the wealth of the country, those the RD should target through a hefty wealth tax, in order to finance a proper family allowance system.
  22. In his situation I'd get my affairs in order and look for a way out. Possibly in Switzerland.
  23. A different kind of UK pensioners, I'd be glad to mingle with...
  24. I would be careful with that...
  25. Told him that AFAIC any bar fine past 22:30 ends up in abject failure. He just doesn't want to listen.
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