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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. But Yahweh could forgive if the aforementioned orifice was placed in the very close proximity of a vagina. He has the celestial wisdom of knowing that anyone maw slip.
  2. Or a "degenerate". Jah has created the Penis and the Vagina for one purpose only.
  3. Of course I need to know, there is an "unhappy" 16 years old girl nearby... U a bit slow mate.
  4. This is why these girls shouldn't hook up with youngsters; they are cheap charlies and have a one track mind. She'll now better next time. BTW, where do you live?
  5. I would have thought they'd become "ex pat" only after they'd left?
  6. He looks as in a hurry to leave the country, that would be consistent with the headline. The other were just there, to stoned to get away
  7. Well if you can ban a mob of terrorists, arrest one innocent Jew. Great police work.
  8. "Section 5 Income tax under Part 2 of Chapter 3 in Title 2 of the Revenue Code shall be exempted for a foreigner categorised as Wealthy Global Citizen, Wealthy Pensioner, or Workfrom-Thailand Professional who is granted a Long-Term Resident Visa under immigration law for assessable income under section 40 of the Revenue Code derived in the previous tax year from an employment, or from business carried on abroad, or from a property situated abroad, and brought into Thailand." "Section 40 Assessable income is income of the following categories including any amount of tax paid by the payer of income or by any other person on behalf of a taxpayer. (1) Income derived from employment,whether in the form of salary, wage, per diem, bonus, bounty, gratuity, pension, house rent allowance, monetary value of rent- free residence provided by an employer, payment of debt liability of an employee made by an employer, or any money, property or benefit derived from employment.4
  9. Interesting, what you infer here is that one should always select the more expensive provider. Do you understand that this would lead to quadruple digit inflation?
  10. It is a bacteria that colonises the stomach, extremely common, and is the sole cause of ulcers. The doctor should get you breath tested to verify the success of the treatment he gave you.
  11. We need more people like you in this country...
  12. So, what does Mr. Anustin have to say about this case? Where is his outrage? Urs Fehler lost his livelihood and is sitting in prison. For a shove... If all thing were equal these guys deserve death, by being fed to the pigs.
  13. You mean get implants instead of crowns?, but that's 100k a piece?
  14. Yes my wife does and they come. We pay the 500 baht monthly fee for the red box, contribute to their social events, and I give them 3000 for Christmas. And honestly, with years of hindsight, the system works and is terrific value of money.
  15. Drunk foreigner tricked female officers into arresting him?
  16. You should know that it is a sin here to expose your misery, which is shared by the vast majority of Aseannow members.
  17. Yes my understanding is that I am tax exempt on pensions, my only source of income. Not wether I'll have to file a tax return, and how it would get processed, I have no idea. I going to visit BOI next week as I'll get a new passport and I'll ask them if they intend to get this clarified before the end of the year. I would be good if you could show paperwork to prove that you 10 million were earned before January 1, 2024, as this would make them non taxable in any case.
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