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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Yes, that's the Farang VAT.
  2. What is a "facial"? Like splashing all over her face?
  3. Had my brother turned out to be Gay, I would have cut all ties. Yet he was a bit of a panzy but that was bearable. Real men must be tolerant.
  4. Could someone explain why this answer get a "sad" emoticon, while it is 100% pertinent? Mysteries of AN and inability to overcome one's animosities?
  5. Maybe just because US has been a well managed country for the past three years.
  6. Local stuff is leass than 20% of what I buy. Holidays go overseas now as we all should minimize remittances.
  7. Must say that I am not overly happy with Nord these days. They removed all the servers they had in Geneva. Only Zurich now. The number of servers is important as yo need to have a wide range of IPs for certain services.
  8. So you just don't know what you are talking about, do you?
  9. This is a case where the "sad emotion" was totally pertinent. But what makes your post utterly ridiculous is that those who rained the largest amounts were mostly Japanese or Korean customers.
  10. It is not, even under the current unfortunate xenophobic climate. For about 100 Euros, you get a few drinks and hour to chose the nymphet you can do back in your hotel. That's still cheap.
  11. Used to be part of the fun, get 20 Baht notes for 500 or 1000 Baht and rain them down of the stage. The girls where like chooks at feeding time.. Not seen it happen recently. Everything has changed, not much fun left only a few nice young bodies for quickies, and even that gets off limit for whiteys in some places, certain days of the week. Now even Stickman agrees that there is an anti westerners mood around. Read his last columns.
  12. Never had one. And he is mixture of Stalin and Reagan at a mental age of 4.
  13. I would agree that "mentally challenged" is a bit strong, I would have phrased it as "pathologically resistant to [ineluctable] change".
  14. So, is that a reason not to let the Insurance representative handle the case? As the driver apparently did. At the dismay of the other injured party?
  15. There isn't a single visit at Burumgrad where I don't see abusive Arabs [AAs]. My guess is that big cash makes a difference.
  16. Eery, written as if one party was guilty fro driving a more expensive vehicle. I know things used to work like that but I was hoping this BS was over. If the Mux driver has an A1 insurance it the right thing to do to hande the matter over to the insurer.
  17. But Yahweh could forgive if the aforementioned orifice was placed in the very close proximity of a vagina. He has the celestial wisdom of knowing that anyone maw slip.
  18. Or a "degenerate". Jah has created the Penis and the Vagina for one purpose only.
  19. Of course I need to know, there is an "unhappy" 16 years old girl nearby... U a bit slow mate.
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