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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. But that was after the commission of the manager who authorised the compensation.
  2. And only one toilet for the 5 of you? Or maybe they got you catheterised? I know that some doctors do. I was a bit worried as I have one giant prostate, but they didn't. During the night I went to the toilet 5 or 6 times, had a weak flow and I had to drag the rip rig with me... They also said that could have a sore throat from intubation, but no trace of that either.
  3. Is there something like the NRMA in Thailand? Consumer protection associations? Too subversive for this place IMHO.
  4. You ought to to your homework. The 17% flat IT applies only to one category of LTR the "Highly Skilled Professionals". The three other categories are exempt on their oversees income. The Elite visa holders don't benefit from any tax exemption.
  5. I don't see how that would be possible as long as the LTR is around.
  6. Good move, but don't you think that at 3.4 M most potential customers will get their own LTR for 1.5% of the price you are asking.
  7. Not really relevant to us in Thailand. But as I said in my OP the prices we pay here are those of Swiss private medical care. Which leads me to believe that Thai Immigration's requirement for health cover are rock bottom.
  8. I would add that the same package is offered for 210k at Medpark. But Cigna lists Bumrungrad as their preferred provider. And I must add that I am totally amazed by the quality of the service I got.
  9. Well, I have about 50000 BTU running 7/24, plus some other stuff. But I am on tri phase and I would like to find a clever guy to balance the load which is probably all over the place.
  10. @Bandersnatch My needs a 3 to 4 times that of Steve. Average daily 70 units, so peak is probably somewhere near 100.
  11. May I ask you if you have submitted an application for LTR? And if so, do you match the requirement fair and square without any mixing, shifting, or fiddling? I got my visa with about two hours of homework, less tham that at Chamchuri and zero frustration, and I applied under a western european passport.
  12. Ok, I'll sit on the fence for another couple of years. Honestly I won't move for anything that has more than five years payback. My other big problem is that with my current consumption I'll need 45 panels and I have not usable space for that number.
  13. This happened everywhere in the world, here some of the British dialects blended into the proper English spoken by the American colonisers.
  14. Maybe things have changed, but in my world you don't punch to kill a slender girl who slapped you.
  15. Right now everything is just dreamlike. Yesterday I had some delicious salmon lunch. We shared a bottle of white wine with my wife. Followed by apple crumble and coffee. Light dinner and a good night sleep. And zero pain, I just can feel the cut under the ribs this morning, but a level of 1 to 2, and the last paracetamol was 8 hours ago.
  16. Well, I am 71 one, and I don't intend to drop my current cover, which includes also one of my daughters.
  17. With afterthought, the problem with this thread's headline is "openly". Is there "something as an "openly rag head" or an "openly African American " ?
  18. That's what they recommend, it is said that the majority patients return to their normal diets after a few weeks. I won't try McDonald's to soon though.. I think we have to do our homework, I have eaten full fat yoghurt, croissant, danish, cheese, without the slightest but of stomach upset nor diarrhoea, if I pass the lunch (salmon and white wine) test I'll take my Lady to Fuji tomorrow. But I'll take imodium (as PEP not PREP) with me, just in case.
  19. Had my Gallbladder removed 48 hours ago a Bumrungrad by Dr. Theerapol. I am amazed by the effectiveness of the laparoscopic procedure [as performed by Dr Theerapol]. No pain [and no food] at all during the the first 24 hours, some mild soreness since yesterday. Four meals and even coffee so far, and no problems whatsoever, I'll try salmon with a glass of white wine for lunch. The downside being that I am going to get even fatter... Once more, ladies and gentlemen, if you settle in Thailand make sure you have a proper health cover and you'll be safe. The above procedure costs about 270k, which is what you'd pay in Switzerland. But why not you'll get great doctors and great nurses.
  20. Yes, that's the Farang VAT.
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