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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. In the good old times, when Annies was Annies, they always had one or two of them, was great to pair them with the "normal" girl of your choice [err.. recommended by err.. agreed with the mamasan].
  2. Stickman didn't say so, it was one of his readers.
  3. Can you explain this? You do realise that your attachment says exactly the contrary. But had you said that Tax income tax is an incentive to stay single and childless, I would have agreed. Quite strange in a country with a rapidly dropping natality rate.
  4. Two years eight months, that's outrageously cheap. BTW, if you google his name (Kasama Apichaisompon) his portrait is all over the place.
  5. That's more or less what I have been thinking: for older guys nearing the end of the road the only sensible choice is stay or go back home where good health care is available provided by social security. I have a family here, moving them to Europe or Australia would cost more than the three of four million Baht the tax could cost me here.
  6. If I did that they'd send me a bill for THB 750000. I am ok with 350000 so I have a lot of homework to do.
  7. Bending down? I'd check my sinuses. But normally sharp pains affect another cavity, especially in the shower after a good game.
  8. This is why, people here shouldn't think about evading tax altogether but only to minimise it in a sensible way. For instance my apparent lifestyle: wife, two kids, house, two cars, no swimming pool, can easily fit into a 2 million lifestyle, so that's I would show. I'd pay no more than 10% of my real income, which is twice that amount. Holidays, dining out, wine, etc won't be paid from my Thai bank accounts anymore. Holidays will be mostly out of Thailand anyway, hence enabling cash imports... Paying 5 weeks of earnings in income tax sounds about right to me. But as long as the LTR exemption stands I am not going to volunteer.
  9. Funny that no one said OP should have use Q-Com.. And asked a professional to built it [No cement]...
  10. Half an hour lost every morning, lined up like toy soldiers while the colours are raised. Thai schools are more about brain washing than brain building.
  11. Between July 2021 and August 2022 I had one Janssen and four Moderna. From March 2022 to March 2023 I had a very high burden of PVCs, up to 40000 a day during Jan-Feb 23. Coincidence? Oh I also had Covid in July 2022.
  12. Amazing Britain where a <deleted> PM wants to throw out the <deleted>.
  13. That's probably true for a population aged 70 or more.
  14. Laughable, totally, sadly, the point here is the condition of women, young girls who will never get a future, a good life. And I am no saint, but at least I can see that these girls don't get what they deserve, and so do the Thai people and the Thai government, who are so ashamed of their failure that they had to ban the documentary. But the bottom line is that I think you are deeply racist and can't see these girls as human beings.
  15. Worries me, can I ask what generation you belong to? Spent only 11 years in Israel, but was called up in 1973. Been living abroad for the last 45 years but feel comfy knowing that there is that one place where no one will go unpunished if he calls me names.
  16. American moderate Jew, so you said. Maybe we should review the right to settle...
  17. I am not a business, my income, about 4 million, is entirely derived from pensions, will they look after me?
  18. Yes it says Russian raped Ukrainians and so did some Zionist militias in 1948, where is Tsahal involved?
  19. This is a blunt lie that should be removed. Tsahal's people are the most dedicated and professional fighters on the planet. They have to get on with an enormous and ungratifying task, which they will carry out in the most humane fashion. It is Hamas who uses the population as human shields. But it is the population, probably driven by its hatred of Israel, that refuses to turn against the bloodthirsty, rapist war criminals.
  20. Don't get near it, and use your foreign plastic, or pay cash.
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