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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Never mind, we'll soon be all running for TIN's to keep our bank accounts open...
  2. My point is that there are plenty of cheap charlies who can't come up with the 65000 K/month or 800000K/savings. Their "motivation" is such that they go either the illegal agent way or get into a cheap marriage. And, I'll let the idiots and hypocrites call me stupid, there are plenty, some keep paying "fees" to their [ex]wives for years after the relationship has ended, de facto, just to be able to get their next extension of stay.
  3. It would be if there weren't so many, for immigration purpose", fake marriages around. So French ladies have a succession of African husbands for humanitarian reasons. Watch "Green Card", a good French/American movie.
  4. I have always done my extensions with the same fixed deposit of 400k, and gotten the bank papers on the day I made my applications, so always straightforward. The part about the offices being "difficult" when processing applications based on monthly income was based on what I have read on this forum. This issue has come up numerous times, I'll let you search.
  5. Sure, think a minute, 55 years of boomboom, one war, mountaineering, flying, diving, making money, blood and guts... No drugs...
  6. Well, there is an age where one comes to realize that sleep deprivation dampers sex drive and orgasms. I get my best boombooms in the afternoon, at 71 and I still manage 2 or 3 pops.
  7. Indeed, admirals get 60% on the purchase of submarines, they want a whole fleet now.
  8. Funny that, being a Thai national shouldn't make any difference. We have nested racism here. Sad, sad..
  9. 4 am closing is an admission that the country's economy relies for a large part on prostitution. Next step might be a special BB (Boom Boom) visa.
  10. Try Dr Macbook. U can get a massage nearby while they evaluate the damage.
  11. I must have owned about 25 Apple devices and haven't spent anything beyond Apple care or battery replacements on older laptops. Apple products are elegant, pleasant to work with, reliable and extremely well supported by the Apple network.
  12. Nope, but I am kind of proud of the life I've led.
  13. Just worry about what is going to happen once they reach retirement age. I have know many boomers saying: I'll pay off my house and save a bit so the state pension will be enough. 30 years later, after a divorce they were left with their meager pension and went to Thighland. Zeers won't have that choice.
  14. Well they are so much better than mine and show a high level of skills. But relax, some people post tongue in cheek.
  15. Agree totally, I have/had one foot in the market for Solar, but after a visit by PEA, who offered an "on grid" solution I decided to stay sitting on the fence for the time being. PEA offered 2.4 Baht per KWh produced, which amounted to some ridiculous payback duration, while my requirements where cost savings + backup power ("on grid hybrid" based on @Crossy's excellent paper). So it's gonna be another few years, hopefully before I die. Since I like simple measures to make decisions I'll look for Solar again once an 80 KWk/day "Off grid" system will have a pay back of about 5 years. (This is a rough measure based on the cost of Panels/Batteries and PEA's pricing). Then I may refine it by putting an EV into the equation, or not. A 5 years payback is only a ballpark figure, as I have no idea about the maintenance costs, repairs, replacements, and cleaning). In the meantime, I might just buy a genset.
  16. Yes it would only work if they restricted access to non residents. Otherwise Thais would lose their incomes which would profit only to Swiss bank accounts. Hence depressing the Thai economy even further. Funny, it seems that in Thailand no one has ever heard of the "seven whys". Maybe they spell it differently.
  17. Income tax heavens Domino effect, Malaysia fell on January 1 this year, Thailand will on January 1, 2024. And Portugal fell a few years back.
  18. One other thing ought ought to know is that if you stay in Thailand less than 180 days a year you can remit to Thailand as much as you want. So in case you want to bring cash from Thailand to Malaysia. But you need, a reliable money changer in Thailand, as you wouldn't want to change THB to RM in Malaysia. As regards the LTR tax incentive, I'll take it as long as it lasts, but I don't want to get caught with my pants down, so I'll take mitigation measures right now to keep my income tax in the 10-15% range, if the worst was to happen. Guess it will, even though we don't know when.
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