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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. This isn't a sinkhole, it is a collapsed cover over a man made cavity. Just more Thai engineering.
  2. Don't buy any khrap that is heavily subsidised with the income tax we are going to pay next year. Buy only qualityIn Indian Basmati.
  3. The sky isn't falling, but if they reneged on the LTR tax exemption, I can be hit with a yearly tax of 700-800k. So due diligence is the rule here. Remember October 7, we had forgotten how bloodthirsty Islam is and we weren't prepared.
  4. Yes, and this applies even for those who may benefit from LTR, i.e cover your tracks and make sure you are ready, if and when the LTR protection ends, for whatever reason. Getting a good tax agent would be recommended in any case. You don't want to have to talk to the Thai RD.
  5. But that's the case all over the world. Income Tax always targets the "soft" middle class. The rich use the power of their money, the workers class is exempted since they may take the streets. The only fair system would be a flat income tax combined with an effective wealth and inheritance tax.
  6. That's a dangerous position to keep, to do that you must make sure that you have been 100% consistent with the old rule in all the years you have been tax resident here. Having an agent at hand in case they start an investigation will also be a must.
  7. Yes I know this thread quite well, but which post says that? So far the understanding is that Income earned and remitted while under LTR isn't taxable. To change that they would have to repeal Royal decree 743. Or ignore it, but that could be construed as a crime.
  8. If I was you i'd call my IO and ask them if they know about it. But I reckon I know the answer..
  9. OK you story can be true, but we can't base decisions or opinions of samples of one (known as singletons).
  10. Tell us what you are doing in HIV clinics, some kind of a hobby? I am asking because I could have missed something.
  11. Dunno what you are trying to say, I was responding to a post insinuating that 10% of girls 3 months pregnant would be HIV positive, which is rubbish in light of UNAIDS' figures. Can't we be serious for a minute?
  12. That's a very high figure, but I guess it isn't general population, rather a hight proportion of Gays and sex workers.
  13. So, since @NONG CHOK lives off savings he needs only a proof that these savings were earned while he wasn't tax resident in Thailand. If he doesn't transfer interest earned, that is.
  14. Vaginal sex with an infected partner: 1 per 2000 acts. Anal sex with an infected partner: 1 per 200 acts. So used PREP as suggested by someone here. I do.
  15. I'd rather masturbate than use a condom. Sex is folly, they've tried to destroy this for the past 50 years.
  16. They can do it tomorrow if they want, through a rule that requires tax residents to disclose overseas bank accounts and supply statements on request.
  17. So, they won't pay any tax in Thailand anyhow, DTA or not. That's all I was trying to say.
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