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Everything posted by Sigmund

  1. Excellent choice as the US and US$ domination is nearing doomsday.
  2. For short time, it's No. But definately...definately get some form of insurance back home to be repatriated by plane in case of emergency if you don't want to rot in some seedy place in Thailand in case of an issue (health or accident).
  3. Time to close the bank accounts in Thailand take out all the money and let them suffer the loss. Cash seems to rule.
  4. She is sponsored by the LTR or the TAT schemers ? 🤣
  5. Solar is the best alternative. But one has to hit on a flawless company that does the installation and fully transparent on the regular maintenance costs of the pannels and the grid. But it's definately the best option in Thailand. That is of course unless they soon start here to make solar grid owners pay a special tax as a penalty like Spain did (impuesto al sol" from 2015 to 2018 when abolished), for not using the regular electric suppliers...
  6. oh c'mon don't call him an idiot, if he wants to buy, his choice after all...😁
  7. I would be more worried of the war crimes Israel is committing on a daily basis, despite the calls to stop from the UN agencies or the international penal courts. And much of the genocide being done with US weapons.
  8. Walking on the right or wrong side does not change much in Pattaya. Most over there are mainly setteled down or visiting for the cheap 😸 !!!
  9. India on the other hand gives long stay visas with no hassle and no cheating prices. Looks like India does not need to racket the foreigners as Thailand does on visa issues.
  10. Vietnam may or may not be. But Thailand for sure is not going to be the chosen destination for the retirees and the wealthy who have a choice of destinations to spend the winter months. Other countries in Asia or even India are becomming options to strongly consider.
  11. Why do people get so upset when one does not agree with them ? A fine mystery of existence, Le LTR has been established with good intent by the BOI. The problems cited by the many comments, could or could not arise, due to the fact that the Immigration Bureau is also involved. And we all know how quick and hassle free it it !!!🙃 Problem here is with the annual re-qualification or report with immigration whatever the word used. If no issues could arise with BOI, it could be a totally different strory with having to deal annually with immigration and having to "re-qualify". It means nothing and anything. To make it short, best would be to ask Immigration what they exactly could ask on the re.qualification process for the LTR. Thing is that even they are not sure. It obviously would change from office to office and of course depend entirely on the mood of the day with the fine officer handling the process. Officer who is free to ask or invent any new absurd document request and if so, cancel the LTR and thus all the money spend and hassle for nothing. Willing to take that risk ? LTR may be worth the run for full time stay or may not ? But definately and absolutely not worth for wealthy global pensionners who are the winter birds from october to march.
  12. As usual the real criminals and mafia will pass below the radar and only thedecent foreigner with clean money, will be given trouble to make the bank teller look good in front of the supervisor.
  13. And would suckers always be suckers and parted very soon of their money ?
  14. Stock markets fared far, far better under Trump. Your pensions all depend on the good health and returns on the stocks, remember that. Now one may like him or not, thats a different story. Think with your wallet. Not with any modern day so-called progressive idioms.
  15. My friend, the golden rule in Thailand, is never buy...always rent...should it be for a house or a lady !!
  16. How can they ever dream of boosting tourism and continue to make so much fuss on visa requrements even for those wanting just to spend 4 or 5 months per year ? like those 90 day reportings, having to trudge to immigration if you own a condo or a house and have friends comming over to stay, having to report your residence each time you arrive in your place that you foolishly purchased years ago and so on....
  17. Of course it is and I would say even more then the 44%. But I was refering to those who qualify for the LTR and love bragging about their millions 😂
  18. Let's hope the new tax rules will not kill them before all the bad food and booze consumed in Thailand
  19. Please...if he is sending money and it's not in his own bank account..even a 15 year old would suspect the cash is perhaps for a fine young Thai lady who could have a few such sponsors in the wings ? But I may consider on a personnal basis, that if you are not happy in your couple, leave. Divorce and leave, but don't make people suffer. Unfortunately, many think wrongfully that by comming over to Thailand they can fill the gaps of what's lacking back home. Maybe for sex but rarely for the rest. The point here is come, have fun, spend within your means, save, but never, never buy. Always rent no matter what we could be talking about here.
  20. What tourism chance for Thailand ? Be alone "health" tourism. Considering the manner in which foreigners are harassed on a regular routine basis on their visas, tax, general tedency to squeeze foreigners with overcharging, etc.....
  21. To remain in the line of the OP's topic, the value of social media is based on it's numbers and the quantity and amount of posts. Any public posting forum has no chance of survival if comments are systematically deleted or if there is any form of over moderation. Obviously, explicit and hate comments or anything against the law has no place in social media whatsoever. But just deleting a comment on pure ideologic grounds or conflict of opinion, will never enable any such platform to grow and develop.
  22. Dubai retirement visa seems a far better alternative compared to the Thai LTR visa. No annual hassles to maintain the visa and go through all the re checking qualification process each year.
  23. Tax wise and visa wise, Dubai seems a good alternative versus the Thai LTR visa and not all that pricey, assuming one has a healthy normal lifestyle with no daily partying and chasing women in hooker bars. No visa issues or scams.
  24. Soi that's why he is on a campaign in Phuket to eliminate phalang competition ?
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