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Everything posted by Sigmund

  1. Never take No for an answer in Thailand as each clerk behind the counter makes up his own daily rules and regulations, no matter what type of uniform he or she is wearing. Just try to come back the next day and chose a different counter and employee.
  2. Great choice. The more it annoys the wokes, the better. Wear it no matter how hot it can get. 😆
  3. Intelligence ? It can be defined in the guy who can chat up 3 different fine young ladies at the supermarket by the groceries section at Tesco Lotus and convince each one to end up in a wild pool party 4-some the same evening..... and the most important...to have all the excuses ready the next day to have them leave after of course they make him breakfast 🤣...such a fella would definately be our hero. 😅
  4. Not surprising. Depending who is handling immigration red tape strange new rules are pulled up, depending on the mood of the day !!!!......Philippines or Vietnam seem better choices. Thailand will end up with only with troublesome chinese or russian tourists who won't spend. The good money spenders amongst the expats or retirees from Europe, like those who own property in Thailand, will chose to sell and prefer other countries...or they will still come every year but stay and spend for less time. Never understood why they do not hand out long stay visa to the retirees who own property on freehold or leasehold ? Thai logic.
  5. Do the locals in Thailand consider all foreigners primarly as a cash cow ? Yes, No ? Do you often feel being cheated in a price quote once the other party sees you are a non Thai ? Do they see foreigners flashing around money in girlie bars ? Do we see foreigners in Thailand spending in one go, any amount 1/3 to 1/2 of the median thai wage ? If you answered "Yes" to at least 2 of the questions, strong chances that the OP's story is fully true !!
  6. I asked 2 specialists and got 4 different versions !!!! But problem solved, will not stay more then 179,5 days !!! To bad but guess Vietnam will get my money on the remaining period.
  7. How can one trust anything or anybody with the horrors going on openly in Gaza with support from America ?
  8. Drugs....no matter how "soft" or "strong"....drugs even like booze (in excess), totally neutralise the mind and basic humanity.
  9. And 100'000 thousand will end up staying for good, once they bring in their brothers, husbands or boyfriends ?
  10. Europeans are fed up in seing the billions going to ukraine and the high costs spent to finance their stay in major european countries. The main point is not to give them asylum as it is for humanitarian grounds. The point is that most will not leave and also the mafias sneak in by posing as refugees etc. As usual, it's the rich elites who flee in general, leaving the weak and the poor back home to be used as Canon meat on the front lines of combat. America started this war in a subjective provocation for years from the wings. So up to the USA to take them in America and give them free houses, medical care etc etc. Europe is massively going to the far right groups in the forthcomming elections of the European parliament and that is neither a good thing. Europeans (and many americans) are also getting fed up in seeing the war crimes in Gaza under total protection of America towards the concerned, while on the other hand harsh sanctions against Russia are imposed and creating global inflation. Not to mention the hushed up scandals of embezzlement of western money in Ukraine like the missing 400 millions reported by Pulitzer price US journalist S.Hersh. As usual, those who really need help in Ukraine are the last who will receive it.
  11. Obviously a american made Boeing with all the scandals of poor conception and build that are leaking out even on the latest models. I definately will not board any airline that makes me embark in a Boeing from now on.
  12. To much is done to make hordes of tourist teenage drunks come in. Not enough is done to encourage the foreign retiree home owners to come and stay longer with more simple handling and less paperwork for long stay visas for the retirees for instance.
  13. Legal age of consent is 17 in Thailand so no big deal. But even then, I cannot imagine myself with somebody less then at least 35 as I don't fancy having a girlie playing on her phone all day long.
  14. In popular beach towns like Pattaya, Hua Hin or Phuket, customer service in most malls or brands is horrible and even worse when a foreigner asks for help. Xenophobia ? Jealousy ? both ? The worse I would say is in Hua Hin.
  15. Government should grant decent subsidies to all property owners no matter how big or small, no matter if Thai or foreigner, regarding a purchase and maintenance of solar generated installation.
  16. This is how it often ends when foreigners mingle to much with the local ladies. Enjoy, have fun, but the last thing to do is to set up the lady in one's own house. Sooner or later, it's trouble even if you are not Russian or what so ever.
  17. How many global wars and inflation with Trump ? How many with the Biden cronies ? The conclusion seems obvious.
  18. Same with Currency Fair. When it's a small amount of 50 or 100 it's done practically the next day. When the amount is bigger, takes longer. Wonder if they play around a bit with the money before transfering ?
  19. I don't mind as long as the bikini clad cabin hostesses are there, as it was done before for Viet Jet Air.😜
  20. Never...never let kids go alone to the toilet, no matter how crowded is the mall. If it's the son, the dad needs to walk in and other way round for a girl. Also CCTV must be the norm in the public areas at the toilet entrance.
  21. Since friday 12th April the website of the BOI (Board of Investment) that handles the LTR visa formalities is down and impossible to connect. Is it the websites Songkran holiday break or the usual flaws of Digital Thailand v. 0.02 ?
  22. They should be more concerned of all the corruption and bribery going on, within those place where the boys and girls are dressed in brown uniforms with large golden wings.
  23. Consider relocating to Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia ...far more welcoming and nice with foreigners then Thailand.
  24. East Europeans are a bit like the Chinese...no respect for rules or others.
  25. Use Emirates next time. Better prices and service. But this link may help as it leads to a contact form. Hope the mods allows it to be published as it is to help another member. Thank you. https://www.qatarairways.com/en-us/corporate-travel/postLogin/dashboardtauser/contact-center.html
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