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Everything posted by Sigmund

  1. An obvious scam as the impostor perhaps has done it before and on seing the delivery chap just leave the goods in front of the door, the scammer is then free to walk by an casually pick up the goods.
  2. I remember in that over priced pizzeria in Hua Hin last year. To groups in seperate tables. One was a Brit with his very young thai girl for the week and the other table a north european nordic chap with his rent-per-week teen who managed to bring along her friends also for the free meal. Each of the guys entered a conversation and each one was bragging of his wealth back home One was bosting he had bid shares and the other was bosting of his fancy restaurant he owned in the Caribean islands. It was just a hen fight of ego that was as annoying to have to hear but pathetic almost. When the check arrives, the girls of course were smoking outside and those lads having to shell out the money both had that expression that they really felt that they were taken for fools.
  3. Time now to make visa issues less a bureaucratic nightmare for the quality foreigners and retirees and stop all the absurd hassles for translations, specific mentions of amount coverage in foreign health insurance certificates and stop all the 90 day reporting and other reporting at immigration when a house owner has friends or family come over to visit. Time also to change the rules and allow all house owners on leasehold to be able to purchase at a reasonable rate the piece of land as to stop the leasehold scheme where a foreigner can never own his one piece of land. In fact any house or condo owner in Thailand either on freehold or lease hold, should get a visa waiver for 90 days.
  4. Well known that many taxi (and tuk tuk) drivers in Thailand are just a bunch of mafia affiliated crooks.
  5. Oh man, cannot blame a foreigner this time on yet another Phuket drama.
  6. But how will the tax people know whom to send a tax return and who is staying more then 180 days ? Say the person who only stays for 3 months and has a bank account, how will the tax people know that the foreigner is only staying for 3 months per year and not go and tax him based on his having a bank account ?
  7. I had no problems naked in the local soapy parlour 🤣
  8. Global insurance hub ? The joke of the day. Just try as a foreigner to get a decent home insurance and you will see the absurd proposals. Only part of the value of the house is offered, they harass first to see photos of the personal goods to be insured that are not clearly included, the value of goods not adapted and after asking for the photos, they invent another excuse to see the invoices and make up all kinds of absurd requests not to conclude. Same issue when going through a broker, no home insurance contract gave full coverage. So there seems a really long way to go. But it sure is a hub to hassle and fuss.
  9. These crooks also can see through a code if the customer has a PC or a MAC. Obviously, the system calculates a higher rate with a MAC.
  10. Some of these hotel reservation websites refused to refund during the COVID outbreak so I am far more wary to their rules. Often the best deals are with booking directly with the hotel's website.
  11. A very sad disaster that will also further tarnish the image of Thailand no doubt.
  12. Why does Thailand attract so many low quality people from the east and the west ? Nothing to do with their being Russian, Americas, Indians or Europeans. Trouble makers or unwanted people, come from every country and Thailand seems to attract them like a magnet.
  13. And what if the gun was another of those illegal firearms most thai's have at home ?
  14. Cannot speak for the burger but I did get my sausage serviced once by a 7/11 cashier girl that I managed to chat up and pick her up after work for the serious business in private. 😝
  15. On man, the culprit is Thai,. No can blame foreigner this time.
  16. Thailand not fully safe for all I guess.
  17. Democracy allows many a debate and oppositions. But the establishments in power, generally brainwashed by Wokeisthan related dogma, usually prefer finger pointing at their opponents, rather then tackling the cause of the uproar. The far right exists thanks to the absurdity of the left. On the other side, fhe left and far left exist due to other unacceptable lines of conduct from the far right. And so on...In the middle, the population, the innocent tax-payers who are the first to pay the price of governance corruption, incompetence and political cowardness to tackle the issues that heat up the social climate.
  18. Sleepy Hua Hin is far to overpriced, often more expensive then Bangkok and the falang is mainly seen as the Golden Goose. The friendly and quality Thailand would be more upwards to the North part of the country, IMHO.
  19. "Thanks" to the absurd and angering sanctions of America against Russia, the entire world in suffering with the inflated fuel prices. Thailand was nevertheless clever enough not to fall into the US hegemony.
  20. No matter what may the opinion of each on this issue. Any form of criminal activity or violence must not be tolerated. How would we feel as foreigners in Thailand if suddenly the Thai xenophobia took to the streets and farangs start to get assaulted for nothing ?
  21. A golden rule in Thailand is to avoid western strangers or at least choose carefully with whom you mingle. Not all obviously, but many, many farangs in Thailand are here plainly to flee their personnal failures back home and often bear mental issues left unattended. No harsh feelings please, but those with a minimun of common sense and knowledge on how it works here, know what we are talking about. Again,no generalization of course, but one needs to be wary. Each time I got cheated in Thailand with poor quality work or inflated prices, it was usually on dealing with the farangs in the company.
  22. What's the point in showing off one's new very beautiful and young girlfriend in Thailand ? Everybody in the public around will assume (rightfully or wrongfully) that the girl is on a rent-a-week or rent-a-month basis, relationship. Even if it may not be the case, that's the idea most people have mainly when the guy is the usual fine fat bald 50 year old large belly falang and the girl is a 25 or 30 year old pretty-pie.
  23. In any medical establishment or any place offering services in Bangkok or Hua Hin, if I see a majority of guilable looking foreigners waiting, either I leave or become very wary on how they could try to scam and inflate the tab.
  24. In ThaIand, farang is usually closely attached to scam. Should it be with the taxi driver at the airport, the tailor in Sukhumvit, or the restaurant that has it's special falang prices...
  25. When will governments in Europe jail such eco terrorists with long term sentences ? Their acts are going much to far.
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