Carter,nice guy but dropped the biggest monumental bolllock by siding with the Ayatollah against the Shah.
Since then the world has gone to shiit with terrorism in most western countries.
Yet another sensible guy emerging.
Trump,Reform in the UK now this guy is proving that the real world is sick to death of slimy ,woke ,commie leftie leaders and the woke shiit is nearly over.
Sorry to go slightly off topic here but does anyone know where the dentist that used to have his practise on Khao Noi is now.2 thirds up on the left hand side from the railway.Or did he retire?
Also does anyone know a good dentist in Pattaya that does not insist on taking your blood pressure?Thanks.
Brits have started the year at a hectic pace.
Not just 2or3 headlines a week but 2or 3 a day now.
Come on other nations,catch up.We're miles in-front already.