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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Hope the residents of Lopburi are all vaccinated.
  2. On the extremely rare case that this is not a wind up is to tell this gent "sure you can live off 1 million baht for 14 years" but you might have to sell your arse a couple of times a week to manage it.
  3. Thais looking after their own.Nowt wrong with that. UK however have a different view. Hundreds of thousands of foreign men given free hotel rooms,food, phones,bus passes and lots more.Plus they are allowed to commit crimes without proper punishment.All without contributing a penny to the country. The indigenous Brits however,(you know,the ones whose taxes are paying for all these spongers) are rapidly losing their country to the commies and islamists. Tell me now,who has got it right,the Thais or the Brits?
  4. Taken for granted he's dumb,he's a Yank isn't he?
  5. Correct,if you go back far enough there is bound to be some British blood in there to blame it on.
  6. Seen a few pink elephants but never seen a rouge dog.
  7. There are no bad dogs,only bad owners.
  8. That remark might have shot over a few members heads.
  9. 2nd.I know everything now.
  10. The world would be a happier place if everyone refused to pay their license fee and put those baastards out of business.
  11. Nobody in the UK takes the BBC seriously nowadays. They don't even try to hide their bias now. With a multitude of media outlets now it is not needed especially having to pay £170 ( guess) a year for the privilege.
  12. Like having blue hair and body piercings.They try to look different but end up all looking the same.
  13. And still leftie western useful idiots dress up as Arabs every weekend to attend "free Palestine" rallies.
  14. And still leftie western useful idiots dress up as Arabs every weekend to attend "free Palestine" rallies.
  15. Hahaha,who would have thought. What a <deleted>show and Dems stuck with this alzheimer ridden,lying,corrupt snake for years.
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