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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Would he have left the note if it was obviously a farang owned vehicle ?
  2. Not only useless but full of chinese cheats who charge prices similar to those in the west. Not to mention the cheap quality and risks of using the item (short circuits in their electric crap, toxic materials or dyes etc). Of course I also have stuff ordered from them, but the quality has dropped drastically and prices to high, not worth.
  3. With all the debt from the posers and hi-so wanna be's, the bubble will explode in Thailand like in China. When you spend more then you earn, and obviously at one point cannot repay...it ends up by crashing like the US in the 2000, now China. Default payment can concern anybody from the corporate majors to the somchai or the farang playing it big in a shiny porsche or a shiny new Toyota pickup. The bankers, wealth asset managers, pension managers or developpers just never learn. The whole world pays for their mistakes crimes, when the bubble bursts. At the end of the day, your money is best to have in cash, safely tucked in a nice individual safe, in a nice bank in Switzerland.
  4. Maybe somebody in a tight brown suit and dual set of golden wings-medals, did not get the right home delivery service ? Or the brown enveloppe was not send by speed post ? On the whole it just shows that they plainly tolerate farangs in Thailand, nothing more. No matter what some farangs may think, a farang is always nothing but a farang and at the same level like any other non-Thai. No matter how superior some westerners may think they are in Thailand. If you are wandering or mongering all over Thailand, chances are that you obviously did not make it back in the west. So chill, respect, keep low and enjoy. ????
  5. 100% safety does not exist once your card details are put online for the hotel, airline... Best thing if possible is not to let the card out of sight if physically paying For online purchase, try another bank, that enables generated numbers on each transaction with their credit card. It's a service given on any card thru the bank's app, in which you enter the amount of each transaction. The system then generates a one-time number, one-time exp date and one-time CVV number that is only valid for the current purchase online. You then use instead these details and not your regular card details. Many European banks offer this system at no extra fee. It does affect normal usage of the card when you pay over the counter.
  6. Gone are those good old days with travellers cheques ... would be an alternative ?
  7. The tourists are learning fast on local cultural habbits. Rip as a death is always a tragedy that should go beyond irony, not matter who.
  8. Ok the Swede could have, should have done this and that whatever. But seriously, using all the manpower when there are worse criminal gangs operating and left alone ? All a matter on the size of the brown enveloppe and it's not ready to change. Nothing new and hope the poor chap gets a new start in life and does not repeat his mistakes in engaging with the wrong thai woman,
  9. If possible, have somebody bring back something reliable from Europe and have it professionnally fitted by a reputable electricial. Pool electrics are not to be taken lightly and if badly fitted, it can end up in a tragedy.
  10. What's the point in having an Immigration office at Bluport if they don't handle out the essential document used in the Immigration racket ?????
  11. Sadly true. Looks that many drunks cannot handle their ego issues either. Pity.
  12. On the other hand if Trumps wins in 2024, the absurd Ukraine war will end and so will the billions going out from US Treasury to Ukraine, will come to an end. Time to help one's own before spending tax money all over the planet on different motivations.
  13. For sure, great rim jobs are easy to obtain in Thailand !!!
  14. Vietnam mentions a 3 to 7 day timespan to handle and deliver the visa for 90 days with no asking for unnecessary support documents. Thai Consulates mention 1 month processing time, that can be more if a zealous consulate employee wakes up one morning and decides to ask for some more support documents via the e-visa application. In other words, wealthy retirees and tourists looking for long stay in winter will obviously choose Vietnam. Far cheaper and nore farang friendy maybe ?
  15. The "boss" is usually the main supplier of the food chain I guess. But at least she seems to admit it. Some make abundant use of the generous flow of the monthly pension???? but do not manifest due respect and recognition.
  16. Medical community has mixed feelings, regarding the correlation between egg consomption and higher cholesterol levels (LDL - the bad one). Of course anything in moderation does etc etc etc..
  17. Western Union rates vary considerably depending from which country you send the cash. (and of course on which country and bank the recepient receives).
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