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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Thanks to all those co-funders, green radicals, wokes and the rest....the prices will surge for all ....with or without a stupid EV. Glad i got a fuel, non rechargeable hybrid.
  2. Bullying unfortunately has crossed the boundries of social media and has become a despicable daily routine when having to deal with your jerk-cum-as***le of the day, unfortunately. And it takes many different forms.
  3. Never had such issues in daily use of firefix, The only thing that really sucks with FF is when one tries to log in the FF account with a different computer and it's a real mess to recover the memorised usernames/passwords.
  4. Foreigners or anybody else... is always well treated in Thailand, provide they show reciprocity in respect. But when one sees the arrogance of certain farangs who go out of their way to think they are superiour to the locals or even other foreigners, what can one expect ? It gives a bad name to all farangs and the thai's start to dislike all the westerners...
  5. This may open the eyes of the hookers who dig mainly for japanese or koreans ? ????
  6. good that the minimum service is ok for you....but may not suit all.. as mentioned in the previous post.
  7. But to get full options you need to shell out 10 bucks a month..$
  8. So your sole argument of being credible is per ratio of the number of posts ????? Sorry, but others have a life and do not spend all day just posting to increase the numbers. You assume a lot. Maybe you should consult for paranoia issues. Considering your rude comments towards others, I think nobody is going to take you and your 1000 posts very seriously...
  9. Looks like the US pro-Biden propaganda machine, is on full throttle here. The more people will attack Trump, the more popular he becomes. In Europe many prefer Trump to Biden. Far less economic turmoils under Trump.
  10. Just like the dollar, Europe and the Union are dommed under their current shape. Europe is going down as we are becomming far to docile and patsy with the USA. Many EU nations are already going showing hostility against the will of Washington via Bruxelles !... and are shifting to far right nationalist governance. European people are slowly understanding that the leaders of the Union in Bruxelles are mainly defending American interests, that are not the same interests of the european people.
  11. Would it depend if one is either abroad, in Thailand or in Asia.
  12. Ok send us a pic of the menu and we may believe you. If not, in general view, Tokyo is considered by international evaluations as in the top 5 of the world's most expensive places...
  13. Ok we have a better idea of your status and your budget if you entertain the 60 baht beer bars. So ovbiously you envy indians who can pay more.
  14. Not true. I hate uneducated fools who are broke lonesome drunks, who come to Thailand thinking they are better the the rest when they are not. And the Thai's think same.
  15. wrong,,,,it's you who hates them. You are plainly jealous of them as they are having more and more money and perhaps an indian in your firm got the promotion and you did not maybe. However we doubt anybody would employ a frustrated racist like you inventing stories here. Indians in general can be very good looking like those in bollywood movies and all the ladies who are Miss World or Universe, I prefer an indian lady to a over white skinned farang who looks as if he has a liver problem due to excess drugs that makes the skin far to white.
  16. I find Hua Hin far more costly then Bangkok or Pattaya, with limited choice (food, shopping, sights, transport, services, clean beaches etc).
  17. Nobody was pointing a finger at you, no matter what you've been upto. Not to worry...
  18. So to get you right, all the fat or bodybuilt tatooed chaps lurking in Pattaya are there plainly to visit temples and beaches ? It's just a open prostitution dump and all those giving their money to the sex industry even for the legal aged women, encourage the trade with other despicable consequences.
  19. Child sex is a disgusting crime that is commited all over Thailand. No matter from where the culprits are from, they should be jailed for life if prooved fully guilty. Instead of making trouble for the decent foreigners on immigration absurdities, the BiB should more focus on such offenses committed by people who seem to pay their way through.
  20. E visa from Cambodia immigration takes around 3 days with far less problemes or requirements for legalized, translated or notorised absurd requests. E visa from Thailand, handled by the consulates in Europe, takes more then a month and not even guaranteed as mentioned, despite having taken payment, Quite clear I guess.
  21. I rather donate while am still alive to all those lovely young fine ladies eager to explore.
  22. of course not, you never to soapys and mainly do not want anybody knowing that you do do not.
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