Likes there's always one Woman in the village with a massive mansion and her American Husband just comes to visit once a year and she gets 100 000 Baht a month housekeeping
"Jinn are supernatural beings from Arabic mythology that are often depicted as invisible spirits made of smokeless fire. They are said to be able to take on human or animal form. "
It isn't, its an English language forum .
Thai language should only be used in the Thai language section .
Surely you must know the forum rules by now ?
Why cant the E.U mobilise its armies and go and fight Russia .
A United European Army going to fight their own battles instead of asking the USA to fight their wars for them ?
Yesterday you were complaining about disrespectful people smoking marijuana in public .
Today you are complaining about people not being able to smoke marijuana in public .
Seems like you just want to attack Israelis /Jews
You need to apologise for claiming that she a bar girl .
You falsely labelled her as being a prostitute
Its YOU who needs to retract that claim and who needs to apologize
Borrow the money and spend the next 60 years paying it off ?
I will have to be paying that borrowed money back, you will not have to pay that money back
Its quite easy to state that 1000 Billion Dollars should be sent to Ukraine without think about where that money will come from .
Whos going to pay for it ?
Who will pay for those weapons ?
Something like 500 Billion U.S Dollars has already been given to Ukraine
How much more money would it take for Ukraine to win the war ?
It could be part of Trumps plan .
Let Russia have some of Ukraine as long as they accept the Palestinians who will be expelled from Gaza .
Palestinians go to Russias new land in Ukraine and that will end both wars .