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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. At last - another rational point of view. Yes they are both not the brightest and best - and both are 'flawed'. But with only two to choose from - it is very clear to me Trump wins person on person. But when it comes to Dems Vs GOP - the GOP wins by the proverbial country mile.
  2. 'something real' ROFLOLO You mean Trump's 'PR stuff is false but the Dems/Harris PR is all true?? Or do you mean something from CNN ??? OK then - how about this?? New YorkCNN — Jamie Dimon has a warning for Democrats: Don’t dismiss Trump supporters as people who are exclusively attracted to his personality. Former President Donald Trump was right about some critical issues, the JPMorgan CEO says. “I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA,” Dimon told CNBC on Wednesday from the World Economic Forum in Davos. Dimon, who has clashed with Trump in the past and previously described himself as “barely a Democrat,” said that people are “basically scape-goating” Trump supporters. He said Democrats use the “MAGA” label to accuse Trump supporters of being like the former president instead of listening to their underlying concerns. “I don’t think they are voting for Trump because of his family values,” Dimon said. “Just take a step back and be honest: He was kind of right about NATO. He was kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Tax reform worked.” Dimon went on to say Trump was also right about some his criticism of China. Jamie Dimon: Trump was right about key issues and bashing MAGA will hurt Biden | CNN Business KABOOM
  3. Wow - unbelievable - you really hate the guy dont you?? Maybe you should just stay away from these posts - your blood pressure might be taking a hit me thinks.
  4. It is amazing what one can buy on Lazada - and with COD you have little risk. Enjoy the beer mate - Corona or maybe Stalla Artois or is it a Guinness?? I have not had a Guinness in years - doubt I will find some up here in Isan - cant find Benedictine - been looking for over a year - next visit to Sister in Bangkok I guess.
  5. I was going to cut and paste them all, but the list is so long it would crash the server - take a look see:- Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House (archives.gov) Next.
  6. Cheers mate - have a beer on me mate.
  7. Yes indeed - he makes regualr comments about how idiotic the Dems policies are. Now he also often talks about how Harris refuses to have an unbiased debate with him. he went in front of biased left wing moderators twice - once with Biden and now once with Harris. Why wont Harris accept Trump's request to debate on Fox or any other right wing media outlet?? Actually I will answer that for you - by quoting Harris' answer to "what are you actually going to do to reduce inflation. what exact things are you going to do?" Answer - "I came from a middle class family ............. bla bla bla ....... word salad." Trump has stated exactly what he is going to do - check out the link I gave - just to start - bring back oil production on a massive scale, remove climate penalties and cancel greenie initiatives". Just for starters right there will make a huge difference because when Biden/Harris stopped oil production and imposed all the 'save the planet' taxes, they caused massive inflation.
  8. Like I said - winner winner chicken dinner - they have a mental block problem that is unrecognised and therefore all they can do it throw personal insults and abuse. Where is the intelligent and articulate argument??
  9. I know you are not - about anything - but that is OK as Oscar said. An artist you are indeed.
  10. He did. When it went to the Supreme Court and he won, it was clear doing what he wanted to do would cause more harm than good - so he backed down and did not completely shut it down. In that sense he 'saved' it - maybe next time he will listen to those who said 'shut it all down anyway'.
  11. Again - no answer - feelings and personal insults is all they have. As I proved, Biden attacked MAGA people and it has been Dems policy ever since - mainly to justify their lies and tactics on the Jan6 kangaroo court disgrace. The Dems are the dividers and baiters - and people like you are falling for their lies and deceit.
  12. Done it already. Name another one - lets go. Meanwhile how about Charlottesville and Russiagate - what so you in response to my claim they were false claims made by Dems and pushed by the media - because 'orange mad bad'.
  13. Your understanding of economics is only matched by your understanding of politics in USA.
  14. No one is doing it - because their facts are feelings and when they express them they are easily debunked and/or rubbished and they go away like a College student who cannot answer 'what does from the river to the sea mean'. .
  15. ROFLOL - that I can type is because of my work roles where typing fast for legal and financial documents due tomorrow was a requirement. Likewise, I am very comfortable answering posts and do so quickly and actually enjoy debunking Dem lies and distortions . Yes I hope a few members will actually think 'hey wait a minute I remember Russiagate and Charlottesville too'. Then maybe they will wonder if most of the anti-Trump stuff is being generated by the Dems - just like Clinton generated the false dossier on Trump and Russia. Just like it was Clinton that generated the fake stories about Obama not being born in USA when fighting him for the 2008 nomination - which Trump fell for too at the time (naive) - but which he recanted when the birth certificate was shown. However, wife wants to go to shops to time for a break - catch you back soon.
  16. A link ?? Do you really believe only the things you see on net/TV?? I am not quoting a 'source' document - although I am sure there is something somewhere. How about this - WILMINGTON, Del. — President-elect Joe Biden has filled out his economics and communications teams, enlisting mostly women, including several of color, in a move that reflected his campaign pledge to create an administration that presents a diverse face to America as it tackles twin pandemic and economic crises. Biden hires all-female senior communications team, names Neera Tanden director of OMB - The Washington Post
  17. If medications are anything to go by, maybe try looking for suppliers in India and China. I take a medication that in Aust USA etc is extremely expensive. Here it is about the same, but I can get the same pills from India for about 25% of the cost charged here. When it comes to medical devices I think maybe India would be OK, but I think that is something that China would likely be cheaper - if you can find a supplier who is not a scammer.
  18. ROFLOL - you think Biden is a millionaire because of all his years of 'service' on his salary? Pelosi? How the hell does Hillary Clinton amass $120 Million? Bill is worth even more I believe. And dont forget Trump did OK on TV 😁
  19. I am always open to debate things with people I know cannot see the truth. But that is the essential difference between Conservatives and Liberals - we are prepared to debate and discuss - you guys just make personal attacks and throw insults. Watched Charlie Kirk debating ignorant College students? It is hilarious when they realise they are wrong - but most just walk away when they are proven wrong. They genuinely dont know - they just echo feelings. I loved the one when they were asked 'what does from the river to the sea mean' and they did not know. Reminds me of the Gays for Palestine hypocrisy - they have no idea what is real and what is not.
  20. Exactly what I would say to you mate. Anyone who thinks that Kamala Harris is fit to be POTUS is beyond belief and help. Second only to those that thought for years that Joe Baden was fine. Both of those two issues alone should cause people to be concerned about what the Dems are saying. But there are many others.
  21. Do you not see how his scepticism was valid?? You are insane if you are not aware of the recent reveals and findings, which greatly cast doubt on the mandatory vaccines AND show that Ivermectin is/was a good treatment for mild Covid. You need to read/watch more than the MSM. Thiongs like this - and much more. A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness - International Journal of Infectious Diseases (ijidonline.com)
  22. Yes he can - by fixing what is the main cause of inflation. As someone that studied Economics I can say that the current high interest rates after Covid was and is totally wrong. There are two types of inflation - demand lead and supply lead. Demand lead inflation can be fixed by high interest rates - to dampen demand. But after Covid the inflation was supply lead - the costs of production (especially transportation) was the cause of inflation - it was not demand increasing post Covid - it was costs of production being too high. Yes there was an increase in consumer demand, but it was only from such a low level because of the Covid restrictions. Then on top of that all the climate control policies have made oil and thus both power and transportation costs increase - causing more inflation. They used the only thing they know - interest rates - to try and dampen inflation. They were and still are wrong - they are causing inflation by increasing the costs of production. Trump knows this - he is going tpo open up oil and remove the climate policies - that will lower costs of production - and he will push to lower the USD at the same time - those two things together will lower the supply side lead inflation.
  23. He has his flaws of that there is no denying - but the results speak for themselves - under Trump things were better and saner. Under Biden/Harris the country has declined and it is getting worse - the Dems are in 'election mode' and as you are saying they are hiding their true nature. But if they are elected into Office they will go into 'power mode' again and implement more socialist left policies (especially the border and green BS). Trump is open and direct - he is what he is - he will not lie to get into Office and then implement socialist dogma. Unlike most POTUS before him and since - when he was POTUS he did exactly what he said he was going to do - and he will do that again.
  24. The only one lying here is YOU. But then again - in order to lie you must know the truth but not say it. I really think most Dems supporters like yourself with such a dislike of Trump, genuinely have problems knowing what is the truth unless they are slammed with it - and then they just forget and move on - RussiaGate - Charlottsville - etc etc etc. And yet the Dems lied for years about Biden being mentally unfit - until it was clear he was going to lose the election - which is all they care about - maintaining power and control. An authoritarian regime that constructs an alternate universe of peace and harmony with which to hide its monstrous subversions of the human spirit creates an atmosphere of almost universal irony. The ironies in American life are proliferating as fast as America is declining. For eight years we have heard, again and again from liberal mandarins, that Trump poses an “existential threat” to democracy. But a president who cannot mentally function is a greater one. And even amid all the sudden liberal calls for Biden to step aside, there is the same reliance on Trump to justify Biden. Trump lied again and again at the debate, we are told, and he indeed lied, again and again, shamelessly. But, aside from Biden’s own lies — Obama built cages for illegal immigrants, not Trump, who happily made use of them; Trump never vowed to cut Social Security and Medicare — the Democrat lie that the President is in control of his faculties when he has been, for years, descending into dementia is far more destructive than Trump’s lies about his “achievements” — lies that are, after all, merely campaign and debate boilerplate. The Democrats' biggest lie - UnHerd
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