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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. That requires a complete change in the system - not the Police. They have to pay for their own vehicles and guns, and until that is all provided by the Govt then there is no way they will be out there all day spending their own money. I think that many are 'on order' and when there is a requirement (like a Royal Trip) they are called in for duty for that day/s.
  2. Thanks. I find the politics of Thailand to be both entertaining and immature. When I have read up on the beginnings of Democracy in Aust, UK and USA it was the same there. Lots of corruption, nepotism and loose alliances easily formed and broken. The sooner Thailand evolves to a two-party system the better off the country will be - meaning a Progressive Party (but not woke, socialist, or 'minority rights' driven) and a Conservative Party (but not military, monarchy, or the elite/wealthy driven). Far too much to ask for I know - but there is always hope. I recall 'telling the TV' to stop protesting against the Monarchy and only target the real enemy - The Junta. Whatever happens regarding lèse majesté should have been left alone until they were in power and the Senate had changed and then the Constitution and Courts. Now I think they have lost their second and best chance - total immature naive idiots.
  3. Every single Indian restaurant in Thailand employs 'illegals' from India who are in country as a tourist. Same for all other 'ethnic' based restaurants, except those from the west (they want too much money to work). Same for all building and construction sites. Obviously someone reported them to the local Police for stealing jobs from Thais (who dont want them).
  4. I dont really care what someone with an avatar of the stupidest politician in USA thinks I sound like. Actually, make that second - AOC wins that title - but only just.
  5. 17 years for each offence PLUS castration would seem appropriate to me. IMO we have taken criminal sentencing too far towards the female mentality (motherhood BS). The first reason for any sentencing should be PUNISHMENT of the guilty. The second reason should be as a DETTERENT for others not to do the same. The last reason should be Rehabilitation - as an attempt to stop them offending again. Nowadays it seems to me that the sentencing regime is focused more on rehabilitation than punishment and deterrent.
  6. PT knows that unless there is another coup, it will be them versus PP at the next election. Without Pita the PP will not be the same force IMO - he was their main 'drawcard'. The Thai People voted out the Junta, more than they voted in MFP. MFP should have compromised and accepted an alternative leader - but they foolishly/immaturely demanded Pita. PT will now be shoring up their base and their alliances - and they will call an election when the time is right.
  7. I recvall driving down to Hua Hin from Bangkok many years ago and I was astounded by the number of policeman standing by the side of the road - it was literally in the hundreds. Wife explained that the King or Queen was driving down to their winter Palace, so they will block all other traffic when they arrive. It was unbelievable - every single side road had a policeman and every intersection had at least 2. I never knew there was that many police in Thailand as I hardly ever saw one before that day - and very few afterwards too. Where do they all go??
  8. This is going to backfire big time on the Dems. Trump/GOP will let this idiocy to politicise the SCOTUS, so that whoever wins POTUS can appoint all the SCOTUS Judges every 2 years, and shove it right down their throats. One of the Dems suggestions has been to increase the number of members, and Trump will do just that to 11 or 12 I reckon, and then appoint 2-3 hard right Judges and force the nomination though the acceptance hearings. After appointing a loony lefty like Jackson, it will be great to watch them attack another Clarence Thomas.
  9. Trump already learned the lesson last time, every single worker employed at the white house will be sacked immediately on day 1 when Trump arrives. There will be no more 'aides' employed who are secretly working for the Neocons and Dems. They all know it and they are annoyed that this time around Trump will nuke the swamp and will take no prisoners. Ukraine is over baby, and after sorting out Putin and Zelensky, Trump will pull NATO back into line, and will end all the billions of wasted money spent on never ending wars that achieve nothing.
  10. I think there are a lot of old white males just like us who are crap at both basketball and dancing (we just cant jump). But we are better than many at swimming 😉
  11. Edited your statement to the following - just in case anyone thinks all money remitted is taxed - only taxable income earned after 1 Jan 2024 is taxable income and only when it is remitted into Thailand. In this calendar year, were you in Thailand more than 179 day? If yes, you are a tax resident and have to pay taxes on all taxable income remittances during this year, no matter where you were at the time of the remittance.
  12. Mate - you are right - but it does seem to me that you need to calm down a little. IMO you should tone down the statements a bit - using CAPS is an example of your 'over extension' of your opinion, and so is finishing by making a derisive comment with a laughing emoji (and you do those two a lot). Just saying. Asking for a friend. It was Bart (Simpson).
  13. And dont forget DTAs - they are something the local Thai taxpayers and the vast majority of TRD employees have no idea about. As posted by someone months ago, they went into and asked their local TRD Office Manager, and were told the DTAs were only for claiming tax credits. That is patently false - DTAs have two options - Credits and Exemptions. Trying to explain to Somchai in the Province TRD Office that your DTA means they cannot tax something, is not going to be easy - as things stand now. There has been ZERO training in Provincial TRD Offices as of last month - nothing about the new rule change (they are still waiting too) and zero about the DTAs for foreigners. Perhaps TRD is going to give a massive information dump in Nov/December - but maybe not. I think they are going to try to enforce the '12 month rule' removal first - that will keep them busy enough. But maybe Thaksin and all the other wealthy Thais with investments overseas are going to 'advise' the new PM to tell the TRD to drop implementation for a while - who knows.
  14. Good answer - and although correct or probably, many will just ignore it and stick their heads in the sand. IMO it is not as bad as some think it will be - but ignoring it all is not a good strategy. Many people here think in terms of a legal breach (speeding/no licence, etc etc), but that is not how Tax laws work. You do not get away with it if not caught that year - it is not like speeding - they can and will go back 7-10 years. If they 'target' you for whatever reason - they will probably start with a question 'please why you no give tax return'. Most likely the banks will have told them you remitted X million baht into Thailand in 202X. If it was income and you tried to hide it, then maybe a good plan is to 'get out' immediately. If stopped at border say 'what TRD letter? never got anything! and then go get a tax lawyer. TRD can investigate going back many years - and they will have all your remittances into Thailand - you must prove it was not income - they dont have to prove it was. The total fines and fees could be huge if you should have paid taxes - and maybe even jail. You will then definitely not be allowed to leave the country until you have paid - and if you try to leave and get caught, then you will be in jail until all paid. I reckon they will quietly look for those Expats bringing in millions of baht and who have not lodged a tax return. They will be checking bank records against Passport Numbers and then looking for lodged tax returns. Those on Pensions and other small amounts of savings etc., IMO will be left alone. But it would be wise to keep all your records of all the money you have remitted into Thailand from 2024 onwards. Just ignoring it and saying it will never happen might be right - but if that is wrong, then things could get very bad. But like I said - A Pension plus small savings IMO will be fine - just keep the records.
  15. That is correct - the advice I was given by a Thai tax company was that TRD did not want people lodging tax returns who have no taxes to pay and they said that was the current TRD 'lodgement process'. Not in the Laws as you say, but TRD has made it clear to people and companies that they dont want zero payment tax returns lodged. They do not have the staff or systems or resources to be able to process and file and store another 30-40+ million tax returns for zero payments.
  16. Fair point - they do exist - but usually that comes from over use of drugs and/or alcohol. Sad really.
  17. The Thai Police have false reports lodged with them all the time - from tourists claiming they have had a 100K Baht necklaces stolen to locals claiming their car was stolen (when it is in Uncle's garage/farm). Remember when they put those 'for rent' electric bikes in Bangkok, like they have in many western cities, they all disappeared and not many were ever recovered. This is Thailand and the Police are always sceptical - never go into a Police station without a Thai GF/Wife/Lawyer and if you do then record everything said. If this bloke has lived here for many years and did not know that then I have no sympathy. In fact, that he has a Thai wife and he did not handle things 'properly', such as taking her with him into the police stations, makes me very dubious about him and his wife - were they trying a scam and then realised they better not?? The whole thing smells off to me - he is 65 not 85 - something is going on that we dont know about.
  18. Cheers mate. PS - Many years ago I was told not get angry and wrestle with abcs. The old man said the reason is because the abc does not understand any rules, and has no idea what you are doing, and they will get dirt/mud all over you, and you cannot win unless you kill the abc. He said it is best to stay out of their pen and not get in there with them - throw rocks at them if you must, even shoot them if you have to, but never get in there with them.
  19. So far I have agreed with most of what you have said. But there is no requirement to lodge a tax return if you have no taxes to pay IMO and you definitely no not lodge a tax return if you have no taxable income (eg. living off savings). Someone that is living in Thailand using money that is not taxable (or has no income taxes to pay) does not and will not get a tax clearance certificate from TRD. Therefore it cannot be a requirement to extend/renew a VISA because it is not a requirement under Immigration Laws to have lodged a tax return. Certainly Thailand can change those Taxation and Immigration Laws one day in the future, but until that happens there is no legal basis for Thailand's Immigration enforcement to include the provision of a tax clearance certificate.
  20. ROFLOL - it makes me laugh how little people understand about this rule change and yet will argue and die on a hill about their opinions. I will say this in response to the OP (which is below). "I've been visiting and staying Thailand every year, normally 3 months of every year, for the last 6-7 years. This year I already did 3 months around the beginning of the year. I'm planning to visit and stay again from September to end of the year. So that would be the total of 7 months for this year. Not sure whether this would trigger the "residency rule" (an individual is considered a resident when staying in a country for 6 months or more) and qualify me to be taxed as a Thai resident. I think it's kind of an international rule, including Thailand. The question is whether Thailand enforce it? Would they check the entry visa (two 90 day visa in my case) and go after people who stay in Thailand more than 6 months out of a year? Please share your experiences or opinions. Thank you." TECHNICALLY - staying 180+ days in total that means you are a tax resident of Thailand. REALITY - someone coming and going several times on a tourist Visa is not going to be chased for taxation. Plus remember that is is NOT money remitted into Thailand that is taxable income - it is only Assessable Income. There are lots of complications when it comes to what is Assessable Income in Thailand, and what is Taxable Income, and what Allowances and Deductions each person has. And all of that is directly impacted by any DTA that Thailand has with the country that the income or earnings was earned in and where it was remitted from. Short answer to OP - No Taxation Worries IMO.
  21. What a lot of people do not realise about Thais is that 70-80% of them suffer from Myopia, whereas in Europe the numbers are about 30%. Plus Thais have an eyesight (like most SEAsian people) that has evolved over thousands of years whereby they do not see well in poor light. Have you seen how small their writing is?? Thai drivers are dangerous because of their driving behaviours (mostly males) and their very poor vision. Add to that the prevalence of very dark windscreen tints, and of course a total lack of policing, and you have a disaster that is occurring every year. Anyone riding a bike in Thailand is taking a huge risk - up to you/them - but it is what it is and denial of that is total stupidity. Yes there are 'safer' ways to do it - and there are 'safer' places to d it - but it is a huge risk - up to you, but dont deny it.
  22. Chinese have always been in Siam/Thailand, but they really started coming when Mao was in the process of turning the country into a Communist State. WW2 started an exodus from China and the Thainese have taken over large parts of Thai society (especially business, military and courts). People think all the non-Communist Chinese went to Taiwan - they did not only go there - a lot of them came to Thailand.
  23. If you ever have a run in with a male Thai - always think that they have a knife/gun (so many do), and they will always bring all their mates and beat the khrarpp out of you. As said above - stay in the car you idiot - this aint Kansas. And get very dark tinting on the windscreens so they cant see you or passengers. If it is a hire car and they can see you, then stay inside.
  24. All sorted and lessons learned. 1. Get the Police to organise a meeting of all parties together and negotiate a 'settlement'. 2. Always have a working camera in the car on the dashboard/windscreen.
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